• “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the house of the wise.” – Proverbs 21:20

Winter BEAUTY Regime for Dry Skin

  Winter weather can bring along with it dry, itchy, flaky skin due to harsh soaps, dry indoor air, low humidity, winter wind and cold-weather! Fortunately though, there are safe, natural everyday products found in many homes that one can use to help hydrate and soothe dry skin without using the commercial, chemical laden lotions and oils on the market. Soothing the itch and re-hydrating your skin by treating it with a winter beauty regime, once-a-week, is a lot easier and cheaper than you might think. During the winter I try to exfoliate and moisturize by using a homemade DIY oil based body scrub made up of organic extra virgin olive oil, epsom salts, plain white sugar and essential oils. I don’t always have time to do this and will often just simply apply this luxuriously rich body butter after showering instead. Either of these will leave your skin feeling … Continue reading

Healthy Immune Systems

As we move into the fall and winter seasons make sure that you are maintaining and supporting a strong, healthy immune system. A strong immune system is our best protection against germs and makes it harder for them to gain a foothold. In today’s environment it’s more important than ever to have a healthy immune system, and just good common sense! There are a few things I feel that are indispensable as we move into the fall and winter seasons…. I refer to them as “winter wellness must’s… as in “MUST HAVES!” or in some cases “MUST DO’s!” Some are common knowledge like being sure to cover our mouth when we sneeze or cough, and simply washing our hands with plain old soap and water more frequently while also avoiding touching our mouth, nose and eyes with our hands, as that is an easy way for germs to enter into … Continue reading

What’s Lurking In Your Cabinets?

Have you ever wondered what’s lurking in your cabinets as you look at the stash of cleaning products residing there? Unfortunately most household cabinets are full of harmful, toxic cleaners and many people, if not most, are unaware of the dangers they pose to our health. Our home is our sanctuary- it should be a place of rest, relaxation and wellness… a safe haven for our loved ones (including our beloved pets), and friends, not a place of environmental pollution. As we strive to create a safe, healthy environment in our home it’s important to learn what hidden dangers may be lurking there and then work to systematically remove them. Surprisingly government regulations don’t require manufacturers to list all ingredients, just those that are combustible, corrosive, poisonous, etc. Most household cleaning products contain toxic chemicals like ammonia, formaldehyde, phthalates, benzalkonium chlorid, and 2-butoxyethanol, just to name a few. Among the … Continue reading

Finish What You Started!

Still have your box oils sitting in the box that they came in? Trust me, you are not the first person to experience this. Many find themselves overwhelmed and are just not sure where to start. They have every intention of doing so but somehow LIFE gets in the way. The box of oils sits on the counter for awhile, and then makes its way to the closet…. where it sits collecting dust. Does that scenario sound familiar to you? Would you like to change that story line and finally begin using those oils? Well you’ve come to the right place! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR EO EDUCATION We want you to be successful in your journey into the world of essential oils. When you are a member of our team we provide you with all the tools and support needed to be successful, but this also means that you must … Continue reading

Out-of-Stock Options

For those of you concerned about the occasional oil that may be available in limited supply, or that go OUT OF STOCK for a period of time, products like VALOR and LEDUM, believe it or not, this should come as welcome news. Many times it is precisely because of Young Living’s commitment to quality that an oil or product will go out of stock. It shows you the level of commitment that Gary Young has… to bring the worlds finest quality essential oils to market without compromising QUALITY for quantity. This is the kind of commitment needed that assures consistent, reliable results! OTHER REASONS FOR OUT-OF-STOCKS Sometimes the lack of ability to procure oils from our partner farms comes not from diminishing supplies but because they are in regions of the world torn apart by violence and are currently considered restricted war-zones. Vetiver and Clove are two such oils as … Continue reading

Back to School with Essential Oils

Anytime of year is a great time to begin using essential oils to help support your health and wellness goals for your family. Many mothers and fathers consider essential oils a valuable tool when sending their children back to school because of their many, varied and powerful benefits. Young Living’s SEED-TO-SEAL premium-grade essential oils are safe and natural, and they’re convenient and easy to use. Kids LOVE them too! Parents love them because they are plant based and don’t contain any harsh chemicals. We even have a KidScents Roll-On Collection for little ones… pre-diluted and ready to use. If used consistently I believe you’ll see amazing results throughout the year.   If I had to choose only ONE oil to start with, then THIEVES and Thieves Vitality would be at the top of the list. This proprietary essential oil blend was university tested and is highly effective in supporting healthy … Continue reading

POO-ROMATHERAPY Spray… Air Freshener & Cleanser Rolled Into One

I got quite the laugh this morning while reading the most recent issue of The Raindrop Messenger, the official newsletter of The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE). It contains an article entitled “APPLIED POO-ROMATHERAPY FOR HOME & OFFICE” that gives a recipe for making POO-ROMATHERAPY Spray! The spray serves as an air freshener and cleanser rolled into one… a great combination wouldn’t you say!!! Gotta LOVE our oils, right? Since I already carry a bottle of our Thieves Spray in my purse and always use it to spray shopping cart handles when I go shopping I’m halfway there. I’m considering trying to make it with Purification as well, which is known for eliminating (not covering up) odors and have found it works great on STINKY feet and SNEAKERS!! Whew!!!! All I’ll need to do is decide which oil to add and then give it a spritz here … Continue reading

DIY Health & Beauty Treatments: Bath & Body Scrubs

Making your own DIY health & beauty treatments is easier to do than you might think. Fortunately, many of us already have the ingredients readily available to detox, scrub, exfoliate and soften at our fingertips! Epsom salt baths are at the top of my list when it comes to relaxation, and health issues. I prefer to make my own Epsom salt detox baths, milk baths and body scrubs. Adding essential oils not only provides one a pleasurable bath experience but also helps infuse the body with their valuable benefits. And for those unable to take baths, body scrubs offer you some of the same benefits. I avoid fancy boutique bath salts and their high prices preferring to make my own ALL NATURAL bath salts, scrubs and milk baths, that way I am assured of the quality of the ingredients and their therapeutic value. Making your own is easy since they’re all basically made … Continue reading

SAFETY ISSUES FAQ’s- Topical & Oral Applications of Essential Oils?

There are many reasons why I believe that Young Living’s essential oils are THE BEST oils on the market and try to document and explain these reasons whenever possible. I’ve added a must read article for those wanting to educate themselves and expand their knowledge base on the safe use of our oils and just updated my page ADULTERATED OILS & THEIR DANGERS with an article that was published in the July 2013 edition of Aromatopia (A Japanese journal) about the safety of neat, topical, and oral administration of essential oils entitled TOPICAL AND ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF ESSENTIAL OILS—SAFETY ISSUES by Johnson S, Boren K. Abstract. Multiple aromatherapy models exist, both advocating and discouraging neat topical and oral administration of essential oils. Recently, attention to these safety issues has expanded as a growing number of health care professionals and individuals adopt aromatherapy as an adjunct therapeutic practice. The safety issues … Continue reading

  • WARNING- References to the use of essential oils refers SOLELY to Young Living Essential Oils. Before taking oils internally always verify if it's safe for internal use. Never attempt to use other oils in the same way as it may be dangerous or toxic! Because of Young Living's entire SEED-to-SEAL process they are the ONLY ones that I would ever consider ingesting!
    These two websites may be able to help you locate a Functional Medicine/Integrative practitioner near you: www.acam.org and www.functionalmedicine.org.
    Links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement of the content of the link.


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