Essential Oil-Infused Vinaigrettes & Dressings

essential oil Infused vinaigrettes dressings

Homemade dressings and vinaigrettes are quick and easy to make and can really give your salads a burst of flavor and benefits. In addition, when you whip up your own, you know exactly what’s in it and can rest easy knowing yours doesn’t contain any questionable ingredients or excess fat, sugar, or sodium. The best part? You can kick it up a notch or two by adding a drop or two of your favorite essential oils from Young Living’s Vitality line. You’ll not only boost the flavor but you get all the benefits the essential oil has to offer too. It’s a win-win all around. Below are a few of my favorites. Have fun experimenting and try coming up with your own versions. Bon appetite! Dijon Garlic Vinaigrette 2 minced garlic cloves 2 tablespoons Dijon style mustard 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/4 cup raw red wine vinegar 1 cup extra-virgin … Continue reading

Dill Vitality Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

Dill is one of the unsung heros in the essential oil world! Native to Asia, dill has been used as an herbal treatment as far back as 1550 BC, when it was recorded on ancient Egyptian papyrus. Did you know dill is contained in Hildegard’s Medicine Book? Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was known as the first herbalist and naturopath of the middle ages. Dill was found in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep II, and its use was also documented by the Ancient Greeks. Dill Vitality has a spicy, fresh scent that is stimulating, revitalizing, and balancing. It is produced by steam distilling the whole dill plant, yielding a fresh herbal essential oil that can be used to enhance the flavor of traditional Russian, European, Asian and Scandinavian dishes. In addition, it contains antioxidants, may provide digestive support, and offers cleansing properties when taken internally.* FEATURES & BENEFITS Has a … Continue reading

VALOR®… A Powerful, One-Of-A-Kind Essential Oil Blend

VALOR®… inspired by historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply plant extracts and botanicals to inspire courage and confidence before going into battle, Valor® is a powerful, one-of-a-kind essential oil blend. Originally formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young in 1990, Valor blend is a long-standing member favorite and Valor (the ORIGINAL formula) became available once again in 2023, after being gone for a long time due to supply constraints. Valor (original blend only) now contains Rosewood essential oil, which was part of Gary Young’s original formulation. Enjoy the uplifting scent while you build confidence or prepare for challenging moments. Each Young Living essential oil in the blend was carefully selected for its unique aromatic and topical benefits: -Frankincense for its uplifting, earthy aroma and skin-loving properties; -Black Spruce for its grounded, woodsy aroma; -Blue Tansy for its inspiring aromatic profile; -and now Rosewood for its … Continue reading

Essential Oil Infused Sea Salt

essential oil infused sea salt

Prepare this easy to make essential oil-infused sea salt to use on meats, veggies, & marinades. I love that I can adjust the recipe to fit my personal tastes and whatever I plan to use it in. Whenever possible, I try to use after cooking in order to retain ALL of the healthy benefits essential oils have to offer. Have fun experimenting using different oils depending on your favorite spice flavorings and dishes. The options are endless. Essential Oil Infused Sea Salt Add the following oils to 1/3 cup of sea or Celtic salt. 5-6 drops of Lemon Vitality oil 3-4 drops of Sage Vitality oil 1-2 drops of Thyme Vitality oil 4-6 drops of Rosemary Vitality oil Mix well and store in an empty spice container. Use on meat, veggies & marinades. Want to “spice” up your gift giving? (pun intended) If someone on your list enjoys cooking or … Continue reading

SEASONS OF LIFE Finding a New Normal

SEASONS OF LIFE Finding a New Normal Life can get nuts sometimes and throw some pretty crazy curveballs can’t it? We all go through seasons of life where we may need to find a new normal. I know from personal experience as we’ve had several thrown at us, which started back in December of last year (2022). It was one thing after another for a few months and really knocked the wind out of my sails in my Young Living business for sure, as my time and attention was diverted away from YL to more pressing personal matters. That’s one of the things I love about Young Living… I can step back for awhile, as needed, and return when able. I’m happy to finally be getting back to work. But have to admit that, although I feel we’re almost over the “hump”, I need to make adjustments while I work … Continue reading

Bio-Accumulation: Low Doses Matter

Exposure to low concentrations of common endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), each and every day leads to something called “bio-accumulation”. These low doses matter and over time can cause chronic health problems.   EDCs, also known as hormone disruptors, are chemicals that interfere with the natural hormones in our bodies and plague our modern world. We are all exposed to EDCs in our daily lives, for example EDC’s are found in some food packaging, pesticides, cleaning products, and cosmetics. Over 1,400 chemicals have been listed as potential endocrine disruptors. Decades of peer-reviewed research has shown significant associations between EDCs – even in low doses – and adverse health effects such as cancers, fertility problems, obesity and some learning disabilities. EDCs can have severe negative effects on the hormone system of even unborn babies. Hidden toxins in our homes can affect cognition, productivity, vitality, and yes, even our emotional state. You may … Continue reading

Make Your Man a Believer

If your man isn’t a believer in essential oils yet, this may DO IT! For some, getting their man to try essential oils can be like pulling teeth. You can beg, plead and cajole all you want but they won’t budge. Can you relate to this? Well, this may be the answer you’ve been looking for. It’s definitely worth giving it a try. After a long, stressful or strenuous day, offer him a neck and shoulder massage. You know he won’t be able to resist. When he says “Yes!” do the following: First things first… before starting the massage: 1- Try to do this while it’s quite… kids are asleep or in another room being quite little bees. 1- Start diffusing Stress Away. 2- Play some relaxing music. 2- Warm up a heating bag. You want it ready to place on his neck and shoulders immediately after massage. I use … Continue reading

The Aroma Dome… A Powerful Tool

The Aroma Dome

The AROMA DOME provides a powerful spa-like experience for the intensive inhalation of essential oils. The Aroma Dome is a powerful tool to add to your arsenal of essential oil products and alternative therapies. One of the BEST in my humble opinion. I believe it should be in the home of every serious YL “oiler”! Many of our physical ailments stem from emotional baggage and diffusing essential oils can be a very effective and powerful tool in helping to release negative emotions. Dealing with the emotions FIRST may be the key to unlocking the physical side-effects that emotions can produce. Please DO NOT attempt… – to use the Aroma Dome with adulterated, inferior brands. Most oils on the market are considered “perfume grade” and should not be confused or used in the same way as Young Living’s genuine, premium-grade oils. Doing so with lesser quality essential oils could be harmful … Continue reading

HELP! I don’t recognize my child anymore

Do you find yourself saying… “I don’t recognize my child anymore?” Is your child having trouble managing their emotions? Are you shocked that your previously helpful and happy-go-lucky son or daughter has become a moody mess? One moment they’re mature, affectionate, delightful, and helpful. The next, they overreact over the simplest of things and appear miserable, frustrated, insecure, self-centered and/or sad. NEWSFLASH: It’s called PUBERTY! Girls can start puberty as early as 8 years old, and as late as 13 or 14 years old. Boys typically start puberty later, at around the age of 12-13 years old. HORMONES rule the world! It’s been said that hormones rule the world. During puberty your child is being flooded by hormones. Hormones guide our lives… our mood, health, emotional state and help maintain function throughout many processes in the body. We know hormones control us but we’d like to control them, right? Fortunately, … Continue reading

Make Your Own Essential Oil Perfume

Ditching conventional perfumes is possibly one of the most impactful things you can do for your health, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still smell great!   Instead of using your chemical-laden cologne or perfume, try whipping up your own, customized essential oil perfume with this simple recipe and change your scents with the seasons! Let me be clear. I’m talking about using authentic, unadulterated, premium-grade essential oils to make your own perfume, not just any brand of essential oil. Why? Because most essential oils in the market place are synthetic versions of the real thing and nothing more than sweet smelling scents at best. And like the fragrance industry, most essential oils are adulterated with toxic, man-made chemicals. You want to make sure that you’re using genuine, premium-grade essential oils and not the cheap, adulterated, chemical-laden imitations. So please don’t take the following information and attempt to use them … Continue reading

DIY Beeswax Candle Jars

The ambiance of candles is such a lovely addition to the home, especially during the colder months! But after learning about the dangers of scented candles and ditching them (so full of dangerous toxic chemicals!), they are no longer allowed in our home. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t have candles. It just means they have to be safe, and not just unscented parafin candles either, which is why I prefer to use unscented beeswax candles. For all you who love DIY’s here’s a simple way to make your own DIY Beeswax Candle Jars. Instructions: 1. Prepare a water bath by setting a wide, shallow pot or stovetop-safe dish on the stove with water and bring to a very gentle boil, on medium-low heat. 2. While the water heats, prepare your jars by adding a sticker to the metal ring of the wick and press firmly into the middle of … Continue reading

Good Oils Aren’t Cheap and Cheap Oils Aren’t Good

Good oils aren’t cheap and cheap oils aren’t good. When it comes to essential oils… QUALITY MATTERS!!! Have you ever wondered what makes Young Living’s essential oils and products unique? Check out this podcast episode to learn more about the science behind it all. What’s the difference between Young Living essential oils and all the other essential oil companies? The Extraction Process Where do essential oils come from? A lot of people think that essentials oils are just some new fad, when in reality, essential oils have been around for thousands of years! Essential oils are stored in plants, and within the plant, they play a special role in keeping it healthy and thriving. To gain access to the many benefits essential oils offer, we have to extract the essential oil from the plant. There are three main ways this can be done: steam distillation, cold pressing, and resin tapping. … Continue reading

Winterize Your Body

Fall has arrived and is in full swing. Everyone is out raking leaves, cleaning up the vegetable garden, putting garden furniture and outdoor equipment away. Fall is the perfect time to winterize your home before winter arrives. Just like draining the sprinklers and garden hoses, caulking windows and doors, and checking the furnace in preparation for winter, our bodies also require special maintenance this time of year too! Natural immunity develops through a subtle interaction between disease agents and the innate intelligence of the body. It’s time to also winterize our body too by giving it everything it needs to help run at peak performance. Here are some of the ways to do that. INNER DEFENSE Inner Defense uses potent essential oils including Oregano, Thyme, and Thieves to reinforce systemic defenses, promote healthy respiratory function, and offer immune support. These liquid capsules dissolve quickly for maximum results and help the … Continue reading

What Every Teenager Needs

Parents need all the help they can get, especially during puberty and the teenage years, when hormones and emotions can make one feel like they’re riding an emotional roller coaster. When it comes to dealing with your child’s emotions, what every teenager needs is essential oils! That’s right, I said, ESSENTIAL OILS! Parents… would you like to bring a sense of peace, stability and calmness to your home? Would you like to help build your child’s self-esteem and confidence? Help reduce stress levels in the home? I can’t think of a better way to help everyone in your home than to use essential oils on a daily basis. Essential oils have a remarkable ability to help one deal with emotions in a healthy way. They can help one move past emotional setbacks and barriers, raise self-esteem, and so much more! What you may not realize is that your sense of … Continue reading

Frankincense & Myrrh Work Better TOGETHER!

Scientific research has discovered Frankincense and Myrrh work better together. When you combine the two, amazing things can happen! Apparently, the Chinese have known about and have been combining Frankincense and Myrrh in TCM for thousands of years. It’s sad that the rest of us are just now learning about the enhanced benefits of combining the two.   Combining Frankincense & Myrrh “The synergistic effects of the combination formed by these two natural resins have been confirmed and have attracted worldwide attention. More and more researchers are actively exploring the substance basis and mechanism of the combination of frankincense and myrrh.”   Synergy Definition sĭn′ər-jē noun The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. “After the combination of frankincense and myrrh forms a blend, a series of changes take place in their chemical composition, such … Continue reading