Got Messy Rooms? Use this SECRET WEAPON!

Lets be honest, many of you hate housecleaning. You’d rather do anything than clean a bathroom right? And getting kids to clean their room! Ugh… that can be a real struggle for parents. Well, it may be easier than you think to change your attitude towards cleaning and that of your children. The practice of aromatherapy is well known for its ability to trigger memories, and influence emotions and thought, but recent research shows that it can even effect behavior and actually set the “mood” for cleaning. How cool is that! “The ability of essential oils to act on both the mind and the body is what makes them truly unique among natural substances. The fragrance of some essential oils can be very stimulating– both psychologically and physically.”– D. Gary Young Your sense of smell exerts a surprising and powerful influence over your body on the physical, mental and … Continue reading