• “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the house of the wise.” – Proverbs 21:20

Create An Aromatically Safe Home


Instead of using toxic air fresheners and scented candles, begin to create an aromatically safe home. I diffuse genuine, premium-grade essential oils, not to be confused with the cheap chemical-laden synthetic versions found at your local store. Most of the time I do so with a purpose. This means I don’t just diffuse essential oils to make our home smell good. I diffuse essential oils because of their limitless potential and beneficial value. Diffusing creates a healthy ionized room, can neutralize (not mask) odors, provide an uplifting environment and help elevate moods, force dust to the floor, provide a calming environment to support a better nights sleep, support better focus, and even promote better energy for those occasional afternoon slumps, and so much more. For instance, today, I have lots of mental work to do so I’ve got my diffuser on my desk diffusing CLARITY™ essential oil. Clarity™ blends Basil, Rosemary, Peppermint, … Continue reading

Tough Stains No Match for Thieves® All-Natural Cleaner

Tough Stains No Match for Thieves® All-Natural Cleaner

Imagine my surprise on Christmas morning when I began rummaging through drawers to find my favorite Christmas napkins horribly stained. Buried underneath a pile of placemats and everyday napkins I was pleased to spot them… that is, until I pulled these babies out. My immediate response was.. “Uuugghh! How in the world did this happen?” It had been years since I had used them. Since moving back to my husbands home town we’ve always gone to his parents house to celebrate with family members, that is until this year. With both of his parents now gone, this year we celebrated Christmas at our home. I’m still mystified how they got this way but surmise it happened during one of our cross country/ocean moves. Although disappointed, I was confident they could be cleaned and salvaged using my Thieves Household Cleaner. Normally I use the standard dilution for laundry stain removal but … Continue reading

THIEVES LAUNDRY SOAP… Make the Switch & Save $$$

Thieves Laundry Soap HACK 2

Thieves Laundry Soap is a super powerful, ULTRA CONCENTRATED plant based formula, infused with essential oils. The formula is also unique for what it DOESN’T include. It won’t leave behind any harsh chemical residue because it doesn’t contain any. Pure for your family. Strong for your life! Thieves Laundry Soap is free from…. – SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate/a> – dyes – petrochemicals – formaldehyde – phosphates – synthetic perfume and – optical brighteners Most cleaning products on the market, including laundry soap and fabric softeners, can be some of the most toxic products in our homes, even those brands that claim they are “free and clear” or ‘natural’. Be advised, when you see these words keep in mind that there is zero regulation behind the use of these words so it means NOTHING! Thieves Laundry Soap is the perfect blend of natural enzymes and powerful essential oils. They combine to … Continue reading

DELICIOUS Gluten-Free Mock Oatmeal

They say timing is everything! I think I’d have to agree after the last 24 hours. Let me explain… Yesterday, I had some bananas that were beginning to get too ripe and didn’t want them to go to waste so I decided to freeze some of them to use in smoothies. I peeled several of them and put them in the freezer, and carefully hung the remaining three back up on the banana holder. Shortly afterwards I went back into the kitchen and found that the remaining three had started peeling themselves and got a good chuckle out of it. I thought it strange as I have never seen them do that before! Not wanting them to get infested with gnats, I carefully removed them from the hanger and laid the peeling back on the bananas, and then placed in the refrigerator.   Early this morning, I received a phone … Continue reading

Your Passion is What Drives Your Success

Finding natural ways to do things has always been part of my life and started back in my childhood. I remember reading the PREVENTION MAGAZINE my parents subscribed to as a child and loved learning all the tips and tricks they offered. Some of my fondest memories of my childhood include an amazing ORGANIC garden and fruit trees my mom and dad had, which took up most of our backyard. During the summer and fall it seems my mom, and sometimes my dad, would spend hours canning… just thinking about what came out of that garden makes my mouth water. Some of my favorites were her homemade peach syrup (my favorite with pancakes), canned peaches, huge fresh red, ripe strawberries (on shortcake) and last but not least, my mom would make this ice cold side dish made from red, vine-ripened tomatoes. She would cut them up and add a little … Continue reading

Get a Jump Start on 2018

As we come to the close of one year and enter into the next, its a good time to reflect on the past and set new goals for the future. However, sometimes that’s easier said than done, right? It can be very hard, some would say impossible, to move forward when we’re still hanging onto the past… whether that means harboring unforgiveness in our hearts towards past wrongs or perhaps holding onto old memories or habits, good or bad. Either way, if we remain focused on them they can keep us locked in the past and prevent us from moving forward and into the future. Fortunately essential oils may be just the answer you’ve been looking for. I was fascinated and amazed when I learned of the impact that our sense of smell has on our body and mind. The simple act of inhaling scents through our olfactory system (sense … Continue reading

Kicking Toxic Products to the Curb- DEODORANT

Each and every day we use products in our homes, that are slowly poisoning us with toxic chemicals. Most people are under the assumption that if a product is available for sale and found on our grocery store shelves that it must be safe. That our government regulatory authorities protect us from all harmful chemical exposure. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. Our system of limiting exposure to toxic chemicals is not working and failing us miserably. Its time for us to take action and start kicking toxic products to the curb. We need to start reading labels and become informed consumers! According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Top 10 Killer Household Chemicals Study the top 10 most dangerous chemicals in our home: air fresheners, cleaning supplies, dishwasher soap and dish soap. Other danger spots listed: beauty supplies and personal care products—hairspray, gel, shampoo, deodorants/antiperspirants. Antiperspirants containing … Continue reading

Introducing Savvy Minerals Makeup Line


Part of living a healthy lifestyle means ridding your household and environment of toxic chemicals. Some of you may not be aware of this but that includes many, if not most cosmetic and makeup products on the market, even some of those that are supposed to be a healthier option. This 8-minute video of The Story of Cosmetics will teach you all about what is in common household products and cosmetics, and why we need to choose non-toxic alternatives. Get ready for eye-opening info! It’s been a real struggle for many who know of the dangers and want to clean up their makeup but didn’t feel they had truly healthy options. Fortunately that’s all changed… I’d like to introduce you to Savvy Minerals by Young Living™. Savvy Minerals Make-Up Line VIDEO PLAYLIST Learn more about Savvy Minerals makeup line in this video playlist!   FAV Real Life SAVVY Minerals Application … Continue reading

Cleanse & Detox On A Regular Basis

cleanse & detox 2018

Everyone should cleanse and detox on a regular basis. Why? Because, each and every day, our bodies are exposed to and inundated with toxic chemicals. No matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to completely eliminate our exposure to them. We are literally surrounded by them. They are found everywhere… in our homes, our offices, in stores and buildings, and yes even in our food supply. Over time this toxic chemical exposure takes its toll on our body and our health. Cleansing should be considered a periodic process and done every so often over a period of time. Many health advocates recommend doing a cleanse 4 times a year. Just be sure to give your body a break in between cleanses. Below you’ll find some examples of different types of gentle, safe internal cleanses. Be sure to consult with your health professional before starting a cleansing regimen. The Master Cleanse … Continue reading

Holiday Recipes

Just in time for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays the following mouth watering recipes are sure to become new family favorites. I hope that you find yourself inspired by them and consider infusing some of your own traditional family favorites with essential oils this year. Just looking at these recipes makes my mouth water. How about you? If you haven’t done so already, try incorporating some of our Vitality line of essential oils into your meals this holiday season and let the compliments begin to roll.                 Can everyone say… “yuuummmmy”? I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to let the oiling begin. If you decide to try some of these recipes please return to this site and let us know… How your recipes were received? Were they a hit or a flop? Did you come up with any of … Continue reading

  • WARNING- References to the use of essential oils refers SOLELY to Young Living Essential Oils. Before taking oils internally always verify if it's safe for internal use. Never attempt to use other oils in the same way as it may be dangerous or toxic! Because of Young Living's entire SEED-to-SEAL process they are the ONLY ones that I would ever consider ingesting!
    These two websites may be able to help you locate a Functional Medicine/Integrative practitioner near you: www.acam.org and www.functionalmedicine.org.
    Links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement of the content of the link.


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