The Aroma Dome… A Powerful Tool

The AROMA DOME provides a powerful spa-like experience for the intensive inhalation of essential oils. The Aroma Dome is a powerful tool to add to your arsenal of essential oil products and alternative therapies. One of the BEST in my humble opinion. I believe it should be in the home of every serious YL “oiler”! Many of our physical ailments stem from emotional baggage and diffusing essential oils can be a very effective and powerful tool in helping to release negative emotions. Dealing with the emotions FIRST may be the key to unlocking the physical side-effects that emotions can produce. Please DO NOT attempt… – to use the Aroma Dome with adulterated, inferior brands. Most oils on the market are considered “perfume grade” and should not be confused or used in the same way as Young Living’s genuine, premium-grade oils. Doing so with lesser quality essential oils could be harmful … Continue reading