• “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the house of the wise.” – Proverbs 21:20

XIANG MAO- Calms and Enlightens the Mind

Xiang Mao 2019a

Xiang Mao essential oil from the Young Living Taiwan Farm, has a fresh lemony scent that calms and refreshes while also said to enlighten the mind. Known in Taiwan as the “aromatic grass of rapid enlightenment,” Xiang Mao (Cymbopogon citratus) is grown, harvested and distilled on fertile, pesticide-free land and has been used for centuries as the source of aromatic oil in perfumery, flavorings, and herbal medicine. The subtle citrus taste adds a hint of lemon taste to beverages and adds an uplifting element to home cooking. Xiang Mao is a rapid-growing, aromatic clump grass that can grow up to 6 feet tall. Young Living’s Xiang Mao essential oil, commonly known as red lemongrass, is an essential oil that is distilled from the Xiang Mao grass that is grown on the mountain slopes by the Paiwan aboriginal tribe in southeastern Taiwan. Xiang Mao (Cymbopogon citratus) grass blades capture the morning … Continue reading

How to Re-Liquefy Thick Oils Like Myrrh and Vetiver

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Anyone who’s had a bottle of Myrrh or Vetiver essential oil for awhile knows how difficult it can be to get those oils to drip out of the bottle, as they thicken over time. Recently I needed to find a way to re-liquefy Myrrh in order to use to use it for a facial oil I was making. My bottle of Myrrh had thickened over time and was way too thick, and I couldn’t get it to drip out of the bottle. Someone had posted a tip saying to place the bottle in the freezer. I thought, strange but I’ll try it… NOPE, didn’t work. Then I found this tip to warm up the oil. That tip sounded a little more promising but I wanted to protect the label on the bottle so I placed the bottle in a small ziploc plastic bag and pushed out as much air as … Continue reading

YLEO’s: Getting the Most BANG for Your Buck!

In order to get the most BANG for your buck there are a few of strategies to use when incorporating Young Living’s essential oils and oil-infused products into your life. STEP ONE: Begin with the Premium Starter Kit which is an incredible value and comes with 11 of our most used and popular oils, and includes a valuable tool… a cold air diffuser which is one of the best ways to use essential oils. STEP TWO: Learn how to use them properly and begin educating yourself on their various use. There are various techniques and many ways to use them but you can start learning the basics here on this page. You’ll find a ton of other information right here on this website… be sure to check out BLOG ARCHIVES and all the tabs at the top of this page. I suggest that you also sign up for BLOG post … Continue reading

Shelf Life of Essential Oils

by David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A. People who use adulterated or synthetic oils worry about shelf life. Some British references on aromatherapy say one should throw away their oils every six months and purchase a fresh quantity. Such advice may be valid for certain carrier blend oils, but is not valid for genuine, unadulterated premium-grade oils that are the products of proper distillation. In order to discuss shelf life, you need to distinguish between various classes of scented oils. There are four types of fragrant oils to consider: (1) Essential oils (distilled). (2) Expressed oils (usually citrus); (2) Absolutes (solvent extractions); and (4) Carrier Blend Oils (essential oils in a fatty base). The shelf lives of these four classes of aromatic oils are different. While expressed, absolute, and carrier blend oils contain large molecules along with their small aromatic ones, pure essential oils obtained entirely by distillation contain only small molecules. … Continue reading

Finish What You Started!

Still have your box oils sitting in the box that they came in? Trust me, you are not the first person to experience this. Many find themselves overwhelmed and are just not sure where to start. They have every intention of doing so but somehow LIFE gets in the way. The box of oils sits on the counter for awhile, and then makes its way to the closet…. where it sits collecting dust. Does that scenario sound familiar to you? Would you like to change that story line and finally begin using those oils? Well you’ve come to the right place! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR EO EDUCATION We want you to be successful in your journey into the world of essential oils. When you are a member of our team we provide you with all the tools and support needed to be successful, but this also means that you must … Continue reading

Making Healthy Choices… Educational Series

Much about our modern way of living isn’t really about making healthy choices it’s about making decisions based on convenience and in the end we pay the price with our health!  Years ago I made a conscience decision to take control of the reins to my family’s healthcare choices. We had a situation arise with my daughter health that prompted this. At the time, I didn’t have a clue as to what I was going to do… I just KNEW that there was a better way than what was being proposed. My maternal instinct, my gut reaction, was “NO WAY!” This is not NORMAL… there has to be a better way, so I started searching for solutions that were safe, natural and effective. So, the first thing I began doing was to talk with two friends who I knew were familiar with alternative therapies and I began there. Then I … Continue reading

Benefits of a Health Journal!

The benefits of creating a health journal or diary to record health related issues over time goes beyond the obvious… tracking what you used on whom, when you used it, including what worked and what didn’t! It’s a wonderful way to clarify your thoughts and experiences, and in the future will provide you with a window to the past and provide you with a great reference of past experiences to refer to. Although I store tons of information and documents on my computer, which makes it great for researching, it is NOT always convenient to have to use my computer to look up information, especially in the middle of the night. Having all this information on “my” computer or phone apps also prevents my family members from finding information I’ve saved. Having a health journal makes it quick and easy for everyone in the family to look up information I’ve … Continue reading

SAFETY ISSUES FAQ’s- Topical & Oral Applications of Essential Oils?

There are many reasons why I believe that Young Living’s essential oils are THE BEST oils on the market and try to document and explain these reasons whenever possible. I’ve added a must read article for those wanting to educate themselves and expand their knowledge base on the safe use of our oils and just updated my page ADULTERATED OILS & THEIR DANGERS with an article that was published in the July 2013 edition of Aromatopia (A Japanese journal) about the safety of neat, topical, and oral administration of essential oils entitled TOPICAL AND ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF ESSENTIAL OILS—SAFETY ISSUES by Johnson S, Boren K. Abstract. Multiple aromatherapy models exist, both advocating and discouraging neat topical and oral administration of essential oils. Recently, attention to these safety issues has expanded as a growing number of health care professionals and individuals adopt aromatherapy as an adjunct therapeutic practice. The safety issues … Continue reading

Man’s First Use of Essential Oils?

Ancient writings, traditions, and historical records dating back to 4500 B.C. confirm man’s first use of essential oils and aromatics. Early historical records and writings record the use of aromatics as the evidence clearly suggests that the use of aromatic substances made from barks, resins, spices, and aromatic vinegars, wines, and beers were common place. It appears that the people from our ancient past had a greater understanding of the effectiveness and power of essential oils than we have today although the tide is turning as more and more research is being conducted on essential oils. According to my main resource reference book on essential oils… “The Eygptians were masters in using essential oils and other aromatics in the embalming process. Historical records describe how one of the founders of “pharonic” medicine was the architect Imhotep, who was the Grand Vizler of King Djoser (2780 – 2720 BC). Imhotep is … Continue reading

Young Living vs Other Brands of Oils

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Prior to Young Living I used to think that essential oils were really nothing more than nice smelling scents. My initial experience with Young Living’s essential oils started back in 2007 and it didn’t take long to change that line of thinking. Gary Young’s initial experience with essential oils was very similar to mine. He had used essential oils before but pushed them aside rather quickly as they never produced consistent, reliable results. Then someone introduced Gary to the real thing, genuine, unadulterated essential oils… and it was a GAME CHANGER!!! I ran across an article in which the author was talking about trying other oils, saying that they would work just as well but save money. I had to laugh when reading it as it mirrors my initial response to essential oils. I too thought I could purchase other oils that would be just as effective but at lower … Continue reading

  • WARNING- References to the use of essential oils refers SOLELY to Young Living Essential Oils. Before taking oils internally always verify if it's safe for internal use. Never attempt to use other oils in the same way as it may be dangerous or toxic! Because of Young Living's entire SEED-to-SEAL process they are the ONLY ones that I would ever consider ingesting!
    These two websites may be able to help you locate a Functional Medicine/Integrative practitioner near you: www.acam.org and www.functionalmedicine.org.
    Links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement of the content of the link.


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    All information and content expressed here are my personal opinions and experiences, or those of others. They are meant for educational purposes and are not those of Young Living Essential Oils or any company or corporation.

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    Since I'm not a licensed physician, I can't diagnose or prescribe for you; the decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader and any application of the information provided constitutes the explicit waiver of any liability on my part. I practice and teach "self-responsibility" and as such I encourage you to educate yourself so you can make your own informed decisions and apply your own better judgment when professional help is needed. Do not apply any information provided here if you are not willing to assume the risks. If you do use the information provided here without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but I assume no responsibility. No express or implied guarantee is given regarding the effects of using any of the information or products described herein.

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