Good Oils Aren’t Cheap and Cheap Oils Aren’t Good

Good oils aren’t cheap and cheap oils aren’t good. When it comes to essential oils… QUALITY MATTERS!!! Have you ever wondered what makes Young Living’s essential oils and products unique? Check out this podcast episode to learn more about the science behind it all. What’s the difference between Young Living essential oils and all the other essential oil companies? The Extraction Process Where do essential oils come from? A lot of people think that essentials oils are just some new fad, when in reality, essential oils have been around for thousands of years! Essential oils are stored in plants, and within the plant, they play a special role in keeping it healthy and thriving. To gain access to the many benefits essential oils offer, we have to extract the essential oil from the plant. There are three main ways this can be done: steam distillation, cold pressing, and resin tapping. … Continue reading