DIY Basic Ointment, Salve or Balm

Are you concerned about all the chemicals in products that you use around the house and looking for a way to replace them with natural alternatives? Would you like to know how to make your own natural, chemical-free ointments, salves and balms, allowing you to know exactly what’s in them? Then you’ve come to the right place. You’ll be happy to find 4 variations of this recipe which will allow you to make either soft, firm, x-tra firm or hard versions. Depending on the application method you’re looking for you may want one that is more like a lotion, other times you may want one for making your own lip balms. Making up all 4 versions in advance takes the guesswork out of what firmness you’ll get before you add your essential oils. When ready to customize yours with your chosen essential oils simply: Choose the firmness you want, Scoop … Continue reading