HELP! I Don’t Rrecognize My Child Anymore

Do you find yourself saying… “I don’t recognize my child anymore?” Is your child having trouble managing their emotions? Are you shocked that your previously helpful and happy-go-lucky son or daughter has become a moody mess? One moment they’re mature, affectionate, delightful, and helpful. The next, they overreact over the simplest of things and appear miserable, frustrated, insecure, self-centered and/or sad. NEWSFLASH: It’s called PUBERTY! Girls can start puberty as early as 8 years old, and as late as 13 or 14 years old. Boys typically start puberty later, at around the age of 12-13 years old. HORMONES rule the world! It’s been said that hormones rule the world. During puberty your child is being flooded by hormones. Hormones guide our lives… our mood, health, emotional state and help maintain function throughout many processes in the body. We know hormones control us but we’d like to control them, right? Fortunately, … Continue reading