Come Oil with Me is an invitation to join me in a weekly challenge.
We’ll learn all about one Young Living oil or blend, one week at a time.
We’ll learn all about one Young Living oil or blend, one week at a time.
Essential oils are often referred to as “natures living energy”. They are called that for good reason because they can help support and maintain the body, mind and spirit in awesome and amazing ways.
At the 2016 Live Your Passion Grand Convention, Gary Young, the founder of Young Living, gave each of us a challenge… to focus on one single oil or blend a week. To learn all about it, to research it, to study it, and most importantly to USE it and experience its benefits first hand… each and every day, for an entire week. And do that for a year.
Imagine what that means. Potentially it means that at the end of one year, we would have first hand knowledge and experience of 52 different oils or blends of oils that Young Living offers. As soon as he said that I thought… “Wow, what a simple, brilliant idea!” There is, literally, no better way to learn about each oil than by focusing our attention, our body, mind and spirit, one oil at a time, over an entire week, for a year!
Whether you are just beginning your oily journey or are a seasoned veteran, my goal is to have you come away having experienced that week’s featured oil’s benefits for yourself and knowing something about it that you didn’t know before.
Commit to using the featured oil each and every day while also conducting your own research. The more time you spend educating yourself while simultaneously USING the oil, the quicker you’ll gain the confidence and want to make them part of your everyday life. You’ll become confident sharing with family and friends what you’ve experienced. This challenge is the perfect time to invite a friend or family member to join you and will be a lot more fun if you have someone to do it with.
Before we get started
This challenge is meant to be fun and interesting so don’t stress over it. I understand, we all lead busy lives, some more so than others. It can be hard trying to fit in one more thing but I promise it will be worth the investment of your time. So, if you only ever get to the first few steps listed below, consider that a win!
You’ll want to take notes as you go along so grab a notebook and dedicate it to this challenge. Record your findings, questions and thoughts. Be mindful of what which oil you’re using each week… how you’re using it and how it makes you feel physically, emotionally or spiritually and record it.
At the beginning of each month, I will make a blog post entitled “[name of month] Come Oil With Me”. You’re not going to want to miss out on a single one of these posts so be sure to subscribe for email notification of my blog posts. After subscribing you’ll need to check your email to activate and confirm the subscription. And don’t worry, I never share or give out your information to others and you can choose to discontinue receiving them at any time.
If you don’t already have a good essential oil desk reference I suggest that you purchase one as soon as possible. Its a wise investment, will make this challenge much more interesting and will help deepen your understanding of essential oils and how to use them.
There are 3 different methods or schools of thought when practicing aromatherapy- English, French, & German. Because Young Living’s oils are authentic premium-grade essential oils and are not adulterated with harmful synthetic chemicals we practice all 3 methods. So its very important to make sure that the book or reference material that you choose to purchase follows all three methods otherwise you may get three different conflicting answers on how to use them. This is also something to keep in mind when researching essential oils online… not all of the information you find online or in books supports or applies to Young Living’s oils. It makes a BIG difference in the way you approach and use OUR oils. It’s the reason why I tell people to never attempt to use other brands of oils in the same way and why Young Living’s oils are the only ones I would ever consider ingesting… because our Seed-to-Seal process assures me of their purity and safety.
Let’s Begin!

I chose to begin this challenge with Frankincense, also known as “the FATHER (or KING) of all oils” and of course, Lavender, known as “the MOTHER of all oils”!
Each has their own sayings ascribed to them.
Frankincense is… “If in doubt, get Frank out!”
And Lavender is also known as the “swiss army knife”.
They’ve both earned their titles and sayings because both have so, so many uses and benefits!
So let’s get rolling on this journey.
September’s Challenge
These are the oils we’re going to focus on this month.
Sept 4-10 Frankincense
Sept ll-17 Lavender
Sept 18-24 Thieves (blend)
Sept 25-30 Peppermint
Follow these steps each month.
Consider the first 4 steps the basics. Steps 5-7 take you on a deeper dive for those wanting to know all about them.
- Go to, look up the featured oil for that week. Read everything posted about it and begin using it in the suggested ways listed.
- Be sure to scroll down the page and see if there is a SCIENCE & RESEARCH and/or MORE INFORMATION section and click on the links.
- Conduct online research by searching for “benefits of (insert name of oil).
- If you’re on Facebook be sure to follow my HeavenScentOils4U FB page. LIKE the page and be sure to turn on notifications to view #comeoilwithme posts for that week’s featured oil!
- Research the historical uses by searching for “historical uses of (insert name of oil)
- Use a good essential oil desk reference to do more research.
- Be sure to research “key chemical constituents” anytime you see them listed!
Here’s to health and blessings on your Come Oil With Me Challenge! May you come away with a fresh understanding of what makes genuine, premium-grade essential oils so special!
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