4 Tips When Stuck on STUPID!

Oftentimes we let difficult situations or people get the best of us and then get stuck on stupid. You’re probably asking yourself… what in the world does she mean by that? Well, too often we rehearse in our mind the negativity that we’ve experienced, and replay it over and over again in our mind. It’s like listening to a broken record. For those of you of the younger generation and unfamiliar with this ‘broken record’ term, it refers to a scratch in a vinyl record that would cause the needle [or stylus] to stay in the same groove- annoyingly causing it to repeat itself, over and over again, until one bumped it a little to get it unstuck. We’re all guilty of getting stuck on stupid at one time or another but fortunately, there are a few ways that we can make a conscious decision to “bump” ourselves that can … Continue reading