Harvest Time Cinnamon Spiked Tomatoes

Eating cinnamon spiked tomatoes on a hot summer day is one of my favorite memories from childhood. My mom and dad turned our backyard into an organic garden. She and my father spent many a day and night canning the bounty of fruit and vegetables harvested from it. My most memorable and favorite things that came out of that garden was my mom’s cinnamon spiked tomatoes, her peach syrup and apple cobbler. Oh, and how could I forget, the strawberries. Tons and tons of fresh red, ripe, juicy strawberries. Those were the days! Her cinnamon spiked tomatoes were incredibly tasty and so refreshing, especially on hot summer days. And best of all, they’re super easy to make! She said her mother used to make them and she carried on the tradition. They were definitely a family favorite and didn’t last long. While she didn’t have access to our Cinnamon Bark … Continue reading