Raindrop treatment on the feet!

Ever wished you could have a Raindrop massage (on your back), but can’t find anyone nearby who is trained and available? Use the Raindrop oils on the feet instead! It’s marvelous!!! Layer each one of the oils one at a time, in the sequence shown, mostly to the inside of the foot… all the way from the big toe, down to the bottom of the heel; waiting 2-3 minutes before applying the next oil. It’s important to know that as the oils go work within your body, you’ll want to make sure that you drink plenty of water, both before and after, to help the body flush toxins, so they don’t just end up recirculating around the body. Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your body, especially when you’re using essential oils. It helps you regularly flush out toxins, keep your skin … Continue reading