Bio-Accumulation: Low Doses Matter

Exposure to low concentrations of common endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), each and every day leads to something called “bio-accumulation”. These low doses matter and over time can cause chronic health problems. EDCs, also known as hormone disruptors, are chemicals that interfere with the natural hormones in our bodies and plague our modern world. We are all exposed to EDCs in our daily lives, for example EDC’s are found in some food packaging, pesticides, cleaning products, and cosmetics. Over 1,400 chemicals have been listed as potential endocrine disruptors. Decades of peer-reviewed research has shown significant associations between EDCs – even in low doses – and adverse health effects such as cancers, fertility problems, obesity and some learning disabilities. EDCs can have severe negative effects on the hormone system of even unborn babies. Hidden toxins in our homes can affect cognition, productivity, vitality, and yes, even our emotional state. You may … Continue reading