Cleanse & Detox On A Regular Basis

Everyone should cleanse and detox on a regular basis. Why? Because, each and every day, our bodies are exposed to and inundated with toxic chemicals. No matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to completely eliminate our exposure to them. We are literally surrounded by them. They are found everywhere… in our homes, our offices, in stores and buildings, and yes even in our food supply. Over time this toxic chemical exposure takes its toll on our body and our health. Cleansing should be considered a periodic process and done every so often over a period of time. Many health advocates recommend doing a cleanse 4 times a year. Just be sure to give your body a break in between cleanses. Below you’ll find some examples of different types of gentle, safe internal cleanses. Be sure to consult with your health professional before starting a cleansing regimen. The Master Cleanse … Continue reading