Life is filled with trials and tribulations. Both physical and spiritual… and oftentimes the two are intrinsically linked. No one escapes them. It’s just a natural part of life but a very important part. With every crisis comes opportunity. The opportunity for us to allow each crisis to open new doors, to step outside our comfort zone, to allow us to grow as we open ourselves up to learn the lesson each one is trying to teach us. From my experience its within these crisis’, these trials and tribulations, that we experience the most growth… but only if we let it.
Have you ever been in the middle of a crisis and had the experience of something not sounding right or feeling right, and it stirred up an uneasiness within your spirit? Have you learned to listen to your gut, to the silent prompting in your spirit? This “gut feeling”, uneasiness or prompting is one of the ways God speaks to you.
I did, years ago. My daughter got a diagnosis just before her 8th birthday that made me sit up and PAY ATTENTION to the still small voice telling me this is not right, that there was a better way!!! I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do but somehow I KNEW there was a better way, and that we were going to find it. I thank God every day that I not only heard that still, small voice and literally felt the wave of uneasiness in the pit of my stomach, but also paid attention to that prompting. It has made all the difference in our family’s life. This crisis started a journey I would not have naturally chosen to travel, but I’m grateful because it’s what started us on the path of finding natural, holistic health solutions, and has impacted our lives in ways I would never have imagined were possible.
Are YOU in the midst of a trial or tribulation? Are you looking for answers? Not sure what to do or where to start?
Begin by asking God for answers, for help, for direction. Ask Him to open doors and to give you eyes to see, and ears to hear when the answers you seek present themselves before you.
Then start to ask questions… ask LOTS of questions!
EDUCATE YOURSELF! Do your own research.
Are you looking for natural health solutions but not sure where or how to start? Ask friends who are into holistic health practices for guidance… that’s exactly what I did. They recommended some holisitic health practitioners and we ended up finding the answers we were looking for.
Do your own research. Always keep in mind there are issues, solutions and treatments that some doctors are just not aware of. They are human just like you and I. They don’t know everything. They are not God. Don’t be afraid to get 2nd and 3rd opinions, or heck, even 4th or 5th, if necessary. Keep looking for answers and solutions until you feel at peace within your spirit.
If your doctor belittles you or treats you with anything other than the upmost respect, don’t be afraid to fire them, if necessary. Always remember, they work for you, not the other way around.
And NEVER, EVER be afraid to be proactive for yourself, your child, or family member. Be the person who is unafraid to go to battle to find the answers you are seeking and be aware it may take a lot of time and perseverance, and may also require you to shift your paradigm of thinking. Be open to the POSSIBILITIES presented before you no matter how odd or strange they may seem at the time. It may be exactly the answer you’re looking for and lay just within your reach!
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