We are living in a sea of chemicals and it is having a negative impact on our health and impacting future generations. Our bodies are constantly being bombarded with dangerous, man-made synthetic chemicals and toxins. It’s high time we attempt to live a toxin-free life as much as possible. It’s estimated that we are exposed to 100 TIMES the amount of pesticides, chemicals, livestock hormones and preservatives than our grandparents were. Health and safety data only exists for 15 percent of all the chemicals out there, even though many are known to cause asthma, endocrine disruptions, and yes, even cancer.
The foods we’re eating are loaded with garbage- everything from preservatives and nitrates, to hydrogenated oils, dyes, soy, and synthetic enriched vitamins and chemicals. The average household contains all kinds of products that are loaded with toxic chemicals- household cleaners, dishwashing detergent, laundry soap,fabric softener and scented candles, air freshener plug-ins (3 of the WORST), personal care items including deodorant, shampoo, bath gels and hair care products, just to name a few.
Is Organic food just a fad or a buzzword? You decide!!!
Our bodies are designed and well equipped to rid themselves of toxins, when they’re functioning optimally. They were never designed to handle the daily onslaught of harmful chemicals that the average person is exposed to nowadays. Its hard for a body to function properly when the liver is constantly being taxed and overburdened with all this garbage. All this junk places additional stress during the body’s detoxifying process and can overwhelm the process. When the liver can’t get rid of all the toxins they get stored in our fat cells which is why some people experience fatigue and headaches when losing weight.
Why You Need to Kick Dangerous Chemicals to the Curb
Listen to this 30 minute audio and learn WHY and HOW you should kick the chemicals in your home to the curb. Loaded with facts, science and statistics, you’ll never look at your cabinets at home the same way again. You are the gatekeeper of your home! Learn simple, easy steps to protect your family and begin to take charge of what’s in your house.
Toxic Chemicals Used In Daily Life
Kick Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Life
We may not have much choice about the air we breath but we certainly do have a choice about what we put on and in our bodies. Eat organic whenever you can, paying special attention to replacing the Dirty Dozen food with organic whenever possible. Learn to read labels and begin reducing the amount of products that contain harsh, man-made chemicals in your home. Replace your household cleaning products with healthier, plant-based alternatives using our Thieves Household Cleaner.
Ready to Get Started?
Are you ready to begin kicking harsh chemical laden products to the curb and out of your life for good? We take all the guesswork away and make it super simple and oh so easy to get started! You can start with just one item, like our Thieves Household Cleaner, or if convinced some major changes are needed and you’re ready to jump all-in, you may want to start with our .