“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”- Confucious

Forgiveness is an act of the will and is very liberating whether we’re forgiving another who we perceive has wronged us or choosing to forgive ourselves. It’s not about excusing the behavior or the act but it is about transformation and choosing to no longer live in a negative, lower frequency or spiritual state, one full of anger and condemnation or self-incrimination, seeking revenge or punishment. The act of forgiveness allows us to move forward in a positive, higher spiritual state of mind, allowing us to live a life full of peace, joy and harmony. Holding onto negative emotions is like poison in the body and harms us, not the person who’s wronged us.
When we choose to let go of negative emotions it allows us to move forward in a positive direction, which allows us to take the next step in the process of growth on all levels- body, mind and spirit. Once we’re able to live in a positive, higher or spiritual state of forgiveness it may feel like a noose around our neck has been loosened, or that some great weight has been taken off our chest… it IS very liberating.
Essential oils can help evoke positive emotions and the release negative emotions allowing you to stay emotionally balanced and healthy. They are volatile meaning that their molecules are extremely small and become airborne very easily. Whether you are diffusing them, wearing them topically, use them in a diffuser necklace or bracelet, or smell them directly out of the bottle, when you breathe them in they enter the olfactory system through the limbic system, where they send messages to the brain to release certain hormones that release certain emotions.
Sometimes we need a little help letting go of the anger, the bitterness, the hurt. You may have buried and stuffed these emotions deep inside. When you’re ready to release and let go of negative emotions Forgiveness essential oil can be a powerful tool in gently digging them up so that you can deal with them and let go of these stored negative emotions. Once you do you will be able to to move forward in a positive manner so that you can be and feel happy again.
Science, through quantum physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy and vibrates with it’s own unique frequency. With a frequency of 192 MHz Forgiveness is considered a very powerful SPIRITUAL blend. Essential oils, whether singles or blends, with frequency’s over 90 MHz are considered to be spiritual oils.
EarthKosher Certified
How To Use
- For topical or aromatic use.
- Diffuse into room (or Aroma Dome) or inhale directly from bottle
- Apply NEAT topically (undiluted)
- Apply several drops (2-4) around navel and the heart (massaging clockwise in circular motion, and behind ears and on wrists
- wear as a perfume
- Apply several drops (2-4) on shoulders, ears, throat, spine, wrists, neck or feet
- Add several drops (2-4) to epsom salts; then add to bath water
- Apply to chakras/vitaflex points
Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Dilution not required; suitable for all but the most sensitive skin. Generally safe for children over 2 years of age.
Companion Oils
Valor (on feet), Joy (on ears & chest), Gathering (on forehead)
Aromatic Influence
Emotional Support
Emotional Release
Energy Balance
– Melissa, angelica, bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, lemon, palmarosa, jasmine, helichrysum, Royal Hawaiian sandalwood, roman chamomile, rose, Coriander
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Nicely stated. ..definitely adding it to my next order!