Please read through the information provided on this page. When you’re ready to order click this link. It means that I’ll get credit for your purchase and be the one responsible for your training and support! Be sure to bookmark this page so you can return to it easily.
A Personal Note From Me…
I wanted to share with you my Young Living journey and how I got started. Over the past few years I was feeling so lost, alone, frustrated and helpless, and wanted to start taking control of my life. I decided to research alternative ways to support my body, mind and spirit and came across essential oils. I started researching essential oil company’s and decided to go with Young Living essential oils. I was a skeptic at first, but after using them, I experienced their POWERFUL effects on so many levels! It’s been a truly amazing journey and now I can’t imagine my life without them! They have truly helped support my health and wellness goals, and have made such a difference in my life that I want to share them with everyone!
Whether you want to take steps towards clean living, discover new aromas to fill your home, or to find ways to spice up new routines essential oils are the answer. Watch the videos in this playlist and and discover how to begin using them in your every life- from your beauty routine to cleaning your home the possibilities are ENDLESS!
Why I Choose Young Living
For those of you who are new to the world of essential oils, and to Young Living in particular, you are probably not sure where to start. No need to worry… we’re here to help you! You’ll find tons of information right here on this website. Be prepared to have your world rocked as you discover the possibilities and have your paradigm of thinking challenged. Once you discover what true, GENUINE, therapeutic essential oils are, and what they can do, you’ll want them in EVERYTHING!
Here at Young Living we’ve been at this since 1993 and are the ones primarily responsible for the initial resurgence of interest in pure, genuine essential oils over the past couple of decades. There is no other essential oil company doing what Young Living is doing. Because of our success you’ll find lots of other companies constantly comparing themselves to Young Living… that’s because we’ve set the standard everyone else is TRYING to reach. Young Living Essential Oils is committed to producing the world’s purest, most genuine essential oils that mother nature can provide. Our standards for essential oil purity and quality is unsurpassed and provide consistent, reliable results, time after time! Apparently many celebrities agree with us and use them also!
You can rest assured with our SEED-TO-SEAL process that you are using the worlds best, therapeutic-grade essential oils. Seed-to-Seal uses a five-step process and is used on our own farms and our partner, cooperative, and vendor farms worldwide. It ensures that we are producing the highest quality essential oil possible, thus providing the optimum levels of beneficial constituents in every single bottle of oil that we produce. It’s a bold statement yes, but because of this process we’re confident that we have the very best essential oils in the world. There are many essential oil users, especially massage therapists, who were total skeptics of our claims who, after doing a side-by-side test of their brand of oils with ours, are now full-fledged, PASSIONATE users of Young Living’s essential oils. They were shocked and amazed at the results our oils produced and have gladly made the switch.
Learn More About Essential Oils Here!
Click on the images below to begin learning about essential oils, what they are and how they work, and what it is the makes Young Living the world leader in essential oil distillation and research.
Did you know that there are literally tens of thousands of published studies on essential oils within the scientific community. Frankincense is one of the most researched oils in the world. To learn more about it, or any oil for that matter, search for “benefits of [name of oil] essential oil.” I also love searching for “oil testimonials” to see what and how others are using them. I encourage you to do the same as I did and believe that you too will be amazed at what you find.
If you’ve checked out the links on this page and done your own research I think by now you’ll agree that Young Living essential oils are NOT just some nice smelling scents like the ones found in your local store. They are the cream of the crop!
Ready To Begin Your Own Essential Oil Journey?
So the question is, are YOU ready to begin a journey into the world of Young Living Essential Oils? Would you like to start experiencing their amazing and powerful benefits for yourself? Are you ready to experience a life of wellness, purpose and abundance? If your answer to these questions is “YES!”… Here’s how to get started.
Get Wholesale Pricing with a Starter Bundle
We make it easy and inexpensive to get with wholesale pricing with our Starter Bundles.
If you’re ready to dive in with both feet use the pink ORDER NOW! button on this page and grab our Essential Oil Starter Bundle. It’s out most popular starter bundle and saves you approximately 50% off wholesale. Yep, that’s right, I said 50%. These oils offer aMaZING benefits and should be in everyone’s home!
If you’re not quite ready to dive all in and just want to get your feet wet then I suggest taking a look at our Basic Starter Bundle for only $35, or the Haven Starter Bundle (available until the end of this month, March 2021.
Make a Retail Purchase
There are two ways: Simply call Young Living at 1.800.371.3515 and tell them you want to place an order under me, Mary Simms (please be sure to give them my ID# 1708294 so that I get credit for the purchase);
Or go to and use my ID# at checkout… again, so that I get credit for your purchase.
Whether you order retail or order a Starter Bundle I’m confident that you’re going to fall in love with the oils just like I have. I can’t wait for you to experience them for yourself.
Training and Support Along the Way
Our oils come with peace of mind you won’t find anywhere else— and it all starts with our farms. Because we cultivate, harvest, and distill many of our essential oils ourselves, we can verify their purity from start to finish. With extensive laboratory testing and independent audits, we promise you powerful oils, just the way nature intended.
I hope you’ll come give our products a try and experience for yourselves their powerful benefits. If you’ve tried other oils in the past but were less than thrilled with the results I invite you come experience the REAL thing. Anyway, wouldn’t you prefer to purchase your oils from the grower and not just a broker of oils; from the teacher and not the student?
So come, begin your own journey into the world of essential oils and experience first hand their many amazing benefits. Once you do, you’ll find yourself wishing you’d started years ago. And remember, I’m ready, willing and able to help guide and support you when you do, and answer any questions you might have.
Best wishes and many blessings,
Mary Catharine
After Placing Your Young Living Order
Once your order has been placed be sure to return to this page and click on the link below. This link will get you off to a great start and provides you with everything you need to begin learning how to use essential oils.