SEASONS OF LIFE Finding a New Normal
Life can get nuts sometimes and throw some pretty crazy curveballs can’t it? We all go through seasons of life where we may need to find a new normal.

I know from personal experience as we’ve had several thrown at us, which started back in December of last year (2022).
It was one thing after another for a few months and really knocked the wind out of my sails in my Young Living business for sure, as my time and attention was diverted away from YL to more pressing personal matters. That’s one of the things I love about Young Living… I can step back for awhile, as needed, and return when able.
I’m happy to finally be getting back to work. But have to admit that, although I feel we’re almost over the “hump”, I need to make adjustments while I work out how to balance this season of life and find a new normal. I’m thankful that I’ve had Young Living products along the way to help deal with all the stressful situations and challenges.
I’ll try to put into words and explain the reason for my absence and give you the Readers Digest version…
DEC Our son and his family moved in with us – increasing the size of our household to 8 people (housed in a 3 bedroom house) and my office getting turned into a bedroom for a 12 yr old… adding a mattress on the floor with blankets and pillows, a dresser and storage of some toys for a 1 ½ yr old almost 3 yr old.
FEB Our shed/garage caught fire and was a total loss. We still need to finalize that.
MARCH I slipped and fell on ice severely spraining my foot (went from wheelchair, to crutches, to cane- minimum of 2 1/2 months to heal),
APRIL/MAY My son tripled the size of our vegetable garden. A good thing… especially since he did all the physical labor. I was unable to help physically at all because of my sprained foot but spent a lot of time planning it all out and then eventually getting it planted.
MAY Still working on the garden and we finally began the buildout of a remodel project (which we were originally told in January that it would be done by the end of February). We hope to have it wrapped up in the next 2-3 weeks. Trust me… it can’t be done soon enough!!!
JULY Last week we were able to temporarily remove the mattress out of my office, for a couple of weeks. It will go back in next week but there is still a dresser and toys in there. This has allowed me a short reprieve and 24/7 temporary access to my office again, something I haven’t had for almost 8 months.
I have a lot of catching up to do and hope to return to some type of normalcy in my YL business soon so I can continue to share my passion with you all!!!
In the meantime, keep oiling up and check out these essentials for stress relief for those seasons of life when you need to find a new normal…
Essentials for Stress Relief