Simplify diffusing and eliminate a multitude of essential oil bottles laying all around your house, next to your diffusers, by making “diffuser bombs”.
Many of us have our favorite DIY blends. We love them so much we diffuse them over and over again, which is a good thing. The problem arises when you end up with your essential oil bottles dispersed throughout the house which can make it time consuming trying to find the right essential oils to put into your diffuser. Making “diffuser bombs” can help eliminate that problem. Diffuser bombs will help reduce essential oil bottle clutter and make preparing your diffuser a whole lot quicker.
Simply take your favorite DIY roller bottle recipe or diffuser recipes and add them to small, empty dropper bottles (or repurpose clean, empty 5-ml bottles). You’ll want to multiply the amount of drops depending on the size of the bottle you’re using and how many drops that bottle can hold. An empty 5-ml bottle holds approximately 65 drops.
These Start & Roll recipes can be made into diffuser blends or roller bottle blends. Either way, these recipes are the “” – pun intended! I recommend you make both to have on hand.
Then, when ready to diffuse, grab your diffuser bomb bottle and add 6-8 drops (or more) to your diffuser along with a little water and your done. Your good to go and ready to diffuse away!
And last but not least…
Make sure you label those bottles so you know what’s in them! Nothing worse than having an unmarked DIY bottle and you don’t know what’s in it. Been there. Done that.
Great ideas!!! Now just got to take the time to make some up!