More and more people out there have gone from being a former skeptic to a full fledged believer and are so, so happy that they finally decided to take the plunge when it comes to giving Young Living (YL) essential oils a try. You may be one of them. Or perhaps you still count yourself as one of those skeptics that are still on the fence, or maybe not on the fence at all, just downright skeptical about the whole thing.
Have you had friends or family trying to tell you about their success in using our products and encouraged you to give them a try? Have you been on PINTEREST, YouTUBE, FACEBOOK or various websites and blogs discussing the many and varied benefits of using essential oils?
Let me ask you a few questions…
Do you believe that whoever is telling you about them is lying to you?
Do you believe that they mean to do you harm or injure you?
Do you believe that their inspiring and amazing stories are just made up with no basis in truth?
Would you actually lose anything by at least giving them a try?
Chances are the answers to all these questions is a resounding NO!
So I ask you if you don’t believe your friends and family are lying to you, that they don’t want to harm you and that other than the cost of the oils, which if you bought the Premium Starter Kit would set you back about the same amount of money as the cost of two people going to a nice restaurant for dinner and a movie, you really don’t have anything to lose by giving them a try do you? Check out our guarantee and return policy here!
So why not just take the plunge already and at least give them a try and experience them for yourself. There are many, many, many of us who are convinced that once you give them a SERIOUS try that you’ll soon count yourself among the ranks of former skeptics, now believers!