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GETTING STARTED / Basic Guidelines
The Power of Diffusing Essential Oils
Did you recently receive a SAMPLE of one of these oils in the mail, or perhaps along with a tip at a restaurant. Maybe a friend gave you a sample, or someone handed you a sample while you were out and about… in the grocery store, at the mall, gym, park or beach? Have you heard about essential oils on Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, etc.? Perhaps you’ve heard of others testimonials, or maybe read some online oil testimonials which has left you more than just a little curious.
Below you’ll find just a very few, of the many ways you can use that sample you received. Essential oils are one of nature’s most powerful gifts and they are impacting lives around the world. We truly believe that you, and every single person you know, needs them. If you are looking for safe, natural ways to support your health and wellness goals I hope you give our oils a try. You’ll never know what you’re missing out on until you do. If you have further questions be sure to contact ME, or the Heaven Scent Oiler team member that gave you the sample. We are all ready, willing and able to help you you started.
Click here to check out these SAFETY TIPS before using!
LEMON Vitality
PEACE & CALMING (eo blend)
Our THIEVES Blend- Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special blend of aromatics composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying. It’s one of Young Living’s most popular products. We have entire product line dedicated to this propriety blend.
THIEVES Vitality

Before you received your sample of essential oils had you heard about them, or Young Living Essential Oils before? Perhaps on Facebook or YouTube? Have you read or heard about the numerous essential oil testimonials from a friend or family member, or while online? Did you know that essential oils are THE hottest new trend right now. I just read an article stating the the world essential oil market is estimated to reach 11.5 billion by 2022! Essential oils are NOT just some passing new age fad. They’ve been around for thousands of years and the knowledge of their benefits just got lost somewhere along the way but with the help of Young Living Essential Oils they are finally making a resurgence. You may be asking yourself why? I’ll tell you why. Because they WORK!
Young Living’s essential oils are NOT your average, run-of-the-mill scents being sold on-line, or even by other companies. Never, ever go ingesting any oil that you find at your local health food or grocery store. Most oils found there have warnings on them telling you NOT to ingest them. Because of their purity and Young Living’s SEED-TO-SEAL process they are the only essential oils I would ever trust to be safe to ingest. Do some research first and learn how concentrated and powerful essential oils are. Before deciding which company to purchase your essential oils from check out this 12 Questions You Should Ask An Essential Oil Company page to learn why I say this! Then, come join me and my team of oilers in your own journey, and let the oiling begin. We have Premium Starter Kit with some of our most popular oils and along with a diffuser to help get you started… all at a huge discount!
We’ve been at this since 1994 and we’re just getting started. As an established billion dollar company, owning many of our own farms and working with partner farms around the world we are poised to meet the growing demand. We invite you to come join us in your own journey into the world of essential oils. We have an ever growing team of passionate “oilers” ready, willing, and able to help support and guide you along the way. If you’re ready to learn more click on the WHAT ARE ESSENTIAL OILS image located on the upper right side of this page.