Most wheat grown today is a man-made hybrid and man’s way of combining two kinds of seed species to engineer a bigger and “better” version… changing what God created into a man-made version. Hybridization happens naturally in nature but that is NOT what we’re talking about here. Modern wheat was engineered to have shorter stalks (less waste) and fuller heads (produces more product), thus increased profits. As I always say, follow the money trail! Modern day wheat has been engineered to contain 3 genomes and 42 chromosomes while einkorn wheat has 14 chromosomes. Those extra chromosomes create new proteins that man was never intended to consume. They are foreign to the body and cause confusion in the digestive system. This wheat is a major contributor to obesity and other modern ailments. This is another perfect example of man thinking that he can improve on what our Creator made. One can choose to follow Gods wisdom and ways, or mans ways and his folly.
In recent years there has been ground breaking research done on the dangers of man-made, modern day “engineered” hybrid wheat and some say that everyone should consider removing modern hybrid wheat products from their diet. You’ve probably seen the magazine articles at the checkout stand mentioning “WHEAT BELLY”… well that’s what we’re talking about here!
Dr. Davis, one of the keynote speakers at Young Living’s LIVE THE DREAM Annual Convention last year (2014), is author of the #1 New York Times Bestselling book, Wheat Belly: Lose the wheat, lose the weight and find your path back to health (Rodale, 2011), now debuting internationally in over ten foreign languages. Wheat Belly has helped spark a nationwide re-consideration of the conventional advice to “eat more healthy whole grains.”! He believes that modern wheat is a perfect chronic poison!
Formerly an interventional cardiologist, he now confines his practice to prevention and reversal of coronary disease in his practice in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Davis is a graduate of the St. Louis University School of Medicine, followed by training in internal medicine and cardiology at the Ohio State University Hospitals, and training in interventional cardiology at the Case-Western Reserve Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio. He is also founder of the online heart disease prevention educational program, Track Your Plaque (
As part of his ongoing effort to better document the adverse health effects of wheat, he has founded the Wheat Free Research and Education Foundation, to fund research and provide education and information to the public. Dr. Davis says that the wheat we’re currently eating isn’t what our grandparents consumed. Here’s some of what he had to say on modern day wheat during an interview on “CBS This Morning” on this topic:
“It’s an 18-inch tall plant created by genetic research in the ’60s and ’70s”
“This thing has many new features nobody told you about, such as there’s a new protein in this thing called gliadin. It’s not gluten. I’m not addressing people with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. I’m talking about everybody else because everybody else is susceptible to the gliadin protein that is an opiate. This thing binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite, such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days per year.”
This information is just the TIP of the iceberg here folks… get yourself a copy of either book and let the education continue!
Young Living’s Einkorn Products
True Grit Einkorn Spaghetti #5301Ingredients: Whole grain einkorn flour (Triticum monococcum), Water
True Grit Einkorn Pancake & Waffle Mix #5300
Ingredients: Whole grain einkorn flour (Triticum monococcum), Brown rice flour, Amaranth flour, Tapioca flour, Sorghum flour (Sorghum bicolor), Dhokla flour (Indian flour made from chickpeas) Product

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