LIVING CHEMICAL FREE Teeth Brushing Routine

Living a chemical-free lifestyle should include using toothpaste and mouthwash that is safe and chemical free which is why you should make our THIEVES™ toothpaste, mouthwash and/or Thieves essential oil blend part of your teeth brushing routine. I say this for good reason! You may not be aware of this but did you know that most toothpastes on the market contain toxic chemicals? Yep, that’s right. Have you ever read the ingredients and warnings on the typical toothpaste products found at your grocery or drug store? Don’t believe me? Go grab your tube of toothpaste or better yet, the next time you’re at your grocery store take a look at the various varieties of toothpastes and mouthwashes… look for the ingredient listing, then check the box or bottle to see if there is a warning on it. Look closely… many contain poison warnings and tell you not to ingest? Many … Continue reading