• “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the house of the wise.” – Proverbs 21:20

Accomplish Your Goals & Release Negative Thinking

Do you set goals every new year but struggle with following through on them? Are you addicted to negative thinking and have low self-esteem issues? Use this daily exercise to help accomplish your goals and release negative thinking. It can help you get to the root of the problem! ESSENTIAL OILS TO THE RESCUE If you’re ready to let go of the negative thinking or want in actually accomplish those New Year’s goals then try this simple essential oil exercise. You may be thinking… “How can essential oils help with goal setting or releasing negative thinking?” Here’s how! Aromas have a profound impact in your mind. The sense of smell is the only one of your senses that has a direct connection to the limbic lobe, or emotional control center, of your brain. The limbic lobe is made of structures that play a major role in controlling mood, memory, behavior, … Continue reading

The Aroma Dome… A Powerful Tool

The Aroma Dome

The AROMA DOME provides a powerful spa-like experience for the intensive inhalation of essential oils. The Aroma Dome is a powerful tool to add to your arsenal of essential oil products and alternative therapies. One of the BEST in my humble opinion. I believe it should be in the home of every serious YL “oiler”! Many of our physical ailments stem from emotional baggage and diffusing essential oils can be a very effective and powerful tool in helping to release negative emotions. Dealing with the emotions FIRST may be the key to unlocking the physical side-effects that emotions can produce. Please DO NOT attempt… – to use the Aroma Dome with adulterated, inferior brands. Most oils on the market are considered “perfume grade” and should not be confused or used in the same way as Young Living’s genuine, premium-grade oils. Doing so with lesser quality essential oils could be harmful … Continue reading

Ningxia Red Clinical Trial Outcomes

One of the best things to come out of the 2022 Young Living Grand Convention this year was being provided with clinical trial research to back up our claims about our products, and more specifically Ningxia Red. “We now have the clinical science to say NingXia can HELP YOU SLEEP and REDUCE INFLAMMATION.” -Ben Riley, President at Young Living Essential Oils     So what did the Ningxia Red clinical trials confirm? Let’s take a look!     Ningxia Red juice is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulants. It has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike blood sugar levels. A powerful anti-oxidant supplement that is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals; also contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, and E. Infused with Lemon, Orange, … Continue reading

Get a Jump Start on 2018

As we come to the close of one year and enter into the next, its a good time to reflect on the past and set new goals for the future. However, sometimes that’s easier said than done, right? It can be very hard, some would say impossible, to move forward when we’re still hanging onto the past… whether that means harboring unforgiveness in our hearts towards past wrongs or perhaps holding onto old memories or habits, good or bad. Either way, if we remain focused on them they can keep us locked in the past and prevent us from moving forward and into the future. Fortunately essential oils may be just the answer you’ve been looking for. I was fascinated and amazed when I learned of the impact that our sense of smell has on our body and mind. The simple act of inhaling scents through our olfactory system (sense … Continue reading

Procrastination… You’re History!

Ever feel overwhelmed or just not in the mood to deal with something? Do you find yourself putting off things that you really hate to do? Are you an avoider, a procrastinator and ready for a change? If we’re honest with ourselves I think each of us deals with this at some point in our life. One of the best ways to support a normal, healthy attitude and prepare to move forward in positive ways is to combine the use of essential oils with what I like to call “intentional thinking”. You may be asking yourself at this point… “What in the world is she talking about? What in the world is ‘intentional thinking’? It is a very simple technique and you can learn more about this topic and how to do it here!. I like to think of it as a way to combine meditation, visualization and prayer in … Continue reading

Dirty Little Secrets of the Fragrance Industry

The fragrance industry doesn’t want you to know about their dirty little secrets! They don’t want you to know that your favorite scented candles, and personal care and household products… perfume, shampoo, lotion, shower gel, deodorant, dryer sheets, fabric softener, air fresheners, etc. contain a complex concoction of toxic synthetic chemicals, could be the root cause of some of your health issues. They take chemicals from their stockpile of chemical ingredients, often made from petrochemicals, to produce some of the best smelling, allergy-inducing, hormone disrupting, headache and cancer causing fragrances in the world. What they don’t tell you about is that many of these chemicals present potential health risks and build up in people’s bodies and pollute it. According to Environmental Working Group (EWG)… “When you see “fragrance” on a personal care product’s label, read it as “hidden chemicals.” A major loophole in FDA’s federal law lets manufacturers of products … Continue reading

Essential Oils for Your New Years Resolutions

Essential oils may be the answer you’ve been looking for all those New Years resolutions just waiting for implementation. Many people are inspired each January 1st to make New Years resolutions. You may be one of those people. Sadly though, even with the best of intentions one can quickly succumb to old habits and old ways of thinking. Fortunately though, essential oils may help you experience success this time around. Many people, including myself, find that daily use of essential oils help to raise their energy levels and frequency, and many report experiencing a greater spiritual awakening when using our essential oils. I can literally tell the difference in my energy level if I don’t “oil up” each day. The sense of smell is the only one of the five senses directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain, which is the emotional control center. When inhaled, essential oils … Continue reading

  • WARNING- References to the use of essential oils refers SOLELY to Young Living Essential Oils. Before taking oils internally always verify if it's safe for internal use. Never attempt to use other oils in the same way as it may be dangerous or toxic! Because of Young Living's entire SEED-to-SEAL process they are the ONLY ones that I would ever consider ingesting!
    These two websites may be able to help you locate a Functional Medicine/Integrative practitioner near you: www.acam.org and www.functionalmedicine.org.
    Links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement of the content of the link.


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    All information and content expressed here are my personal opinions and experiences, or those of others. They are meant for educational purposes and are not those of Young Living Essential Oils or any company or corporation.

    The material on this Website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the State of California and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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