White Angelica… Ward Off Negative Energy!

White Angelica, considered a spiritual blend of oils, is a UNIQUE blend of 10 essential oils used to ward off the bombardment of negative energy and useful in emotional cleansing. Many people believe that it increases the aura around the body allowing one a greater awareness of one’s potential while bringing a sense of strength and protection. Others say they find that it is a tremendous aid during times of prayer and meditation, and as protection from negative energy. It has a beautiful scent and I love wearing as perfume! HOW TO USE: For topical or aromatic use. Diffuse, direct inhalation, or add 2-4 drops to bath water Apply to shoulders, along spine, on crown of head, on wrists, behind ears, on base of neck, or on foot Vita Flex points Wear as perfume or cologne. Dilute 1:15 with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex for body massage Place 8-10 drops in … Continue reading