• “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the house of the wise.” – Proverbs 21:20

Awaken to a New You in 2016

Let 2016 be the year that you awaken to a new you and begin living a more natural, healthier lifestyle… one infused with Young Living essential oils.awaken to a new you 2 With a new year upon us, I want to challenge you to either begin incorporating them into your everyday life, or for those of you already using them, to consider using them in ways that you may not have thought of yet. With millions of people across the globe now using pure, genuine, unadulterated essential oils and tens of thousands of published research studies I’d have to say the jury is no longer out on determining if essential oils are beneficial or not. Anyone who says otherwise is clearly speaking out of ignorance.

Many people find themselves setting goals and making new years resolutions at the beginning of each year. According to the University of Scranton’s Journal of Clinical Psychology about 45% of Americans make New Years resolutions while only 8% ever actually achieve their goals. They start off with the best of intentions but quickly fall off the trail which is not surprising considering that we are all creatures of habit, with most of us having emotional baggage that we’re dragging around with us. Breaking bad habits is hard enough but throw in emotional baggage too and it seems that we’re doomed before we even start. According to those statistics it would appear that only those with the strongest will power, focus and emotional fortitude are successful. Enter ESSENTIAL OILS! I believe their use can help you be successful with your new years resolutions and goal setting plans, and of course in many other ways too. Below are some tips for you to follow which you might find helpful when setting goals, and I believe you’ll find these tips may even enhance your times of prayer and meditation.

Diffuse essential oils during prayer, meditation/yoga or goal setting sessions and let their fragrance permeate not only the room but your mind. As the molecules waft around the room breathe them in deeply, with intention and a grateful heart.

If possible find a nice quiet area of your home where you can close the door and remain undisturbed for at least 10-15 minutes. If necessary, wake up before everyone else to accomplish this. Begin diffusing 10 minutes before entering room. You may want to set up your diffuser on a timer so it can start diffusing before you even wake up, allowing you to immediately enter your “space” upon rising in the morning. As a last resort you might also try diffusing in your car during commute time. I believe diffusing essential oils will enhance the whole experience and can help you gain insight.

Have a pad of paper and pen by your side to write down any thoughts or insights that enter your mind. When things like items you need to add to your grocery list, what you want or need to accomplish during the da,y or things that you don’t want to forget, write them down so you can temporarily forget about them, leaving you to focus on the task at hand.

I love diffusing oils while in prayer and meditation. Each time I am reminded that God sees our prayers as a sweet smelling aroma. In Psalm 141:2 King David asks God to see his prayers as incense. I find incorporating their use this way is a wonderful reminder of how God views our prayers to him. It not only encourages me but I also find that it enhances my spiritual communication with Him.

“Let my prayer be set before You as incense,
The lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.”
— Psalm 141:2

Kick the new year off right and start enjoying all that essential oils have to offer by incorporating their use into your lifestyle each and every day. When setting your goals and New Year’s resolutions this year try taking the following steps. These steps may help increase your chance of success. For instance…

  • First, diffuse essential oils while setting your goals, and during times of prayer and meditation.
  • Be sure to limit the number of resolutions you make… don’t overwhelm yourself right off the start.
  • Make a list of the negative thought patterns or thinking that you’d like to replace and write down positive statements that you would like to replace them with.
  • Enlist the help of family and friends.
  • Set specific goals- answer specific questions of what, why, when, where and how.
  • Set measurable goals- allows you to track your progress.
  • Set attainable, time-related goals- set both short range and long range goals that are realistic and include deadlines to help keep you on track and focused.
  • Reward yourself for partial success. Lost your first 5 pounds? Reward yourself with a massage.

In like to call this “intentional thinking”… it combines meditation, visualization and/or prayer and is more than just thinking about something casually. The aim is to focus on one thing in a POSITIVE way in order to bring about change or to gather insight.

Example one… Do you feel as if you are addicted to negative thinking and have low self worth issues? Begin your day by diffusing Palo Santo in your private “space”. Meditate on and visualize times when you experienced successes in your life… remember what it felt like to be successful and how it made you FEEL. Take a bottle of Palo Santo with you and inhale directly from the bottle, or place a drop or two of it on a nasal inhaler and bring it with you instead. If possible, repeat this process several times throughout your day using the bottle or your nasal inhaler, spending anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes at a time.

Another example… instead of setting a goal stating “I want to get in better shape,” try being specific, and frame your goal as “I will exercise after work, five days a week, for the next three months.” Throughout the day while inhaling an oil, let’s say the OOLA Fitness oil, VISUALIZE YOURSELF working out, and also what your body will look and feel like when you reach your goal. If necessary, trying remembering a time in the past when you were in shape, what you looked like, and how it made you FEEL.

I found a video online by Karen Claridge and love the way she explains HOW TO SET YOUR INTENTION when settings goals. “How To Make Your Goals More Achievable” Though not specifically about essential oils, I believe that using Karen’s technique along with our essential oils, especially during an AromaDome® session, will be of tremendous help and bring about your desired results!

Review the following list and pick an oil or two to incorporate into your life in some way, then give them a try. See if it doesn’t help you overcome some of the obstacles that have been holding you back.

The following essential oil blends may help you gain insight and clarity when setting goals:

    1. Awaken™— Inspires awareness of limitless potential and may help you progress toward your highest potential.

Believe™— Both grounding and invigorating it encourages feelings of strength and faith

Brain Power™— Clarifies thought and focus; gives your brain a boost with essential oils that are high in sesquiterpenes

Clarity™— Contains stimulating oils including peppermint and rosemary, helping you feel clear headed and mentally alert

Dream Catcher™— Boosts the ability to realize your desires by enhancing the process of dreaming and visualization

Envision™— Stimulates creativity and resourcefulness, renews faith in the future and the ability to maintain the emotional fortitude necessary to achieve goals and dreams

Grounding™— Emotional chaos can lead to poor decisions. Grounding, helps you cope with reality in a positive manner and provides a stabilizing influence

Highest Potential™— Designed to increase your capacity to achieve your highest potential it inspires self-confidence and purpose in life

Inspiration™— Creates an aromatic sanctuary for those seeking quiet meditation and spirituality

Into the Future™—Empowers you to leave the past behind and confidently move forward

Motivation™— Helps overcome fear and procrastination, helping you feel ready to move forward in a positive direction

Oola Balance™— Designed to align and balance your center giving you an increase in concentration with a positive outlook

Present Time™— Heightens the sense of being “in the moment” allowing you to go forward and progress when you focus on the present time

You may need to remove or reset some old emotional blocks before you can move forward. The following essential oil blends may help you to achieve your goals.

    1. Acceptance™—Encourages feelings of self-worth; helps overcome denial and procrastination

Forgiveness™— Synergistic blend of soothing and uplifting essential oils which may help you to forgive yourself and others

Harmony™— Provides harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body contributing to an overall feeling of well-being

Hope™— Uplifts and balances the emotions, providing hope in tomorrow

Humility™— Helpful for obtaining forgiveness and a deeper spiritual awareness bringing balance to your heart and mind

Inner Child™— Opens the pathway to connecting with the inner self that may have been damaged; helps you connect with your authentic self and experience emotional balance

Release™— Facilitates the ability to release anger and frustration promoting harmony and balance in the mind and body

SARA™— Helps soothe deep emotional wounds and traumatic memories

Surrender™— Formulated for individuals who feel a need to be controlling, helps quiet troubled hearts so that negative emotions can be released. Best used with Frankincense or conifer oils.

Transformation™— Empowers you to replace negative beliefs with uplifting thoughts, changing your overall attitude, emotions, and behavior

Trauma Life™— A calming, grounding blend of premium-grade essential oils formulated to provide positive energy during emotional trauma

White Angelica™— Brings about a sense of strength and endurance. Many people use it as protection against negative energy.

Enhance Your Chance for Success

Once you’re clear about your goals and plan of action, you can utilize the following essential oils to help you achieve success.

    1. Abundance™— Enhances energy and attracts prosperity

Gathering™— Helps overcome the chaotic energy that bombards our everyday life and clouds our focus helping to achieve our purpose.

Gratitude™— Elevates the spirit, helping to foster a grateful attitude and calm emotions

Joy™— Brings joy to the heart and can be worn as cologne or perfume

Live with Passion™— Fosters optimism and enthusiasm

Magnify Your Purpose™— Stimulates creativity, desire, focus, and motivation foster a positive attitude, encouraging you to rise above adversity & overcome procrastination and self-pity

Oola Fitness™— Specially formulated to uplift, energize, and give you the inspiration to set and achieve your strength and fitness goals.

Oola Grow™— Gives you courage and helps you move forward towards positive advancements and progression allowing you to focus on the task at hand

Sacred Mountain™— Promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, grounding

Valor®— Promotes feelings of strength, courage, and protection while providing energy alignment in the body on all levels… physical, mental & spiritual

The Science of Habit: How to Succeed in 2015

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One Response to Awaken to a New You in 2016

  1. Pingback: Procrastination… You’re History!

  • WARNING- References to the use of essential oils refers SOLELY to Young Living Essential Oils. Before taking oils internally always verify if it's safe for internal use. Never attempt to use other oils in the same way as it may be dangerous or toxic! Because of Young Living's entire SEED-to-SEAL process they are the ONLY ones that I would ever consider ingesting!
    These two websites may be able to help you locate a Functional Medicine/Integrative practitioner near you: www.acam.org and www.functionalmedicine.org.
    Links are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement of the content of the link.


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    The material on this Website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the State of California and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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