Young Living Essential Oils- Owns the World’s LARGEST Herb Farms
Young Living owns the world’s largest herb farms and is the world leader in the cultivation and distillation of essential oils. As the world leader in essential oils, we’re constantly expanding and improving our farms and global partnerships while staying committed to our Seed to Seal quality commitment. With locations on six continents and more than 25 open markets, Young Living’s global presence is undisputed. With our global growth, our commitment to creating genuine, premium-grade essential oils and products through environmentally conscious methods also continues to grow.
No other essential oil company does what Young Living Essential Oils does to produce the highest quality essential oils. Our whole Seed-to-Seal process begins by selecting and growing from quality non-GMO seeds, planting in rich soil and in climates that the botanicals will thrive in, carefully harvesting the plants at just the right time once they’ve grown, distilling using low temps and low pressure, subjecting every batch of oil to multiple in-house tests, and submitting to third-party sources for testing also… all of which allows us to formulate, package, and market the hightest quality, genuine premium-grade essential oils.
Seed to Seal: A tour of Young Livings Farms
Our farms are the heart of our Seed to Seal® quality commitment, providing the highest quality essential oils to homes across the world. If you ever get the opportunity, visit a Young Living farm and distillery and you will begin to see for yourself the care and dedication it takes to produce the finest essential oils in the world. Plan your next adventure at one of our many locations and experience the the whole Seed to Seal process for yourself.
A Quick Tour of Some of Our Young Living Farms
We’ve set the standard every one else is trying to reach which is why others are always comparing themselves to us. Our Farms are one HUGE way Young Living stays head and shoulders above the competition. But its not the only reason.
The Seed-to-Seal Promise
The result of our passion is Young Living’s SEED-to-SEAL promise. This promise assures you that every essential oil we sell has the optimal amount of naturally beneficial constituents. That our strict cultivation process guarantees that our products offer unsurpassed safety and efficacy.
Years of experience have taught us how to select the ideal botanicals for desired oil potency, plant under optimal conditions, use prime soil and natural methods to encourage growth, and know the precise time to harvest each crop.
This unerring focus on quality ensures that the naturally occurring compounds contained in each of our products are of the highest and most consistent bioactive levels.
No matter what time of year you visit the Young Living farm, you will get an inside look at some phase of our planting and distilling operations.
-In the spring you will see the starts being planted and the fields being cultivated.
-In the winter, you can experience the winter harvest of black spruce at our Northern Lights Farm, in British Columbia, Canada.
-In the summer and fall you will not only view vast organic fields of lavender, peppermint, clary sage, and other herbs, but you will also witness acres and acres of herbs being harvested by Young Living’s custom-engineering cultivation equipment and distilled in Young Living’s specially-designed stainless steel distilling chambers.
The Young Living Pledge
Over the next five years, beginning in 2019, Young Living pledges to expand the vision of our founder, D. Gary Young, in these five interconnected ways:
Partner Farms, Co-op Farms, and Oils from Other Qualified Vendors
Young Living not only owns many of our own farms but we also partner with a few, select partner farms and co-op farms, who are willing to commit to Young Living’s extraordinary standards, the highest in the industry and which they have come to be known for. Partner farms and essential oil distillation facilities are required by Young Living to be subject to site inspection.
Young Living requires ALL distillers wanting to sell their oils to Young Living to submit samples to be analyzed in our state-of-the-art facilities, to ensure that the oil meets our stringent standards, and that all the constituents that make the oil a prmium-grade are present at the right percentage. You can have a genuine oil, but if the plant is distilled at the wrong time of day or with incorrect distillation procedures, the constituents that make the oils premium-grade will not be there, and you will not have a premium-grade profile. Of oil samples submitted between May 2007 and October 2011 by distillers wanting to partner with Young Living, over 34% were rejected because they did not meet our stringent standards and were rejected. No matter the source of the oils, we rigorously and thoroughly test the essential oils provided by all.
Respected worldwide for it’s integrity and commitment to quality!
You know a company is doing something right when the Sultan of Oman donates 400,000 acres to Young Living as well as offering EXCLUSIVE rights to it’s trees and aromatic plants. The Peruvian government also thought this was a good idea and granted them 12,000 free acres also. Only when you have integrity, and respect for the land does this happen.
Did You Know?
- Strict guidelines are followed for cultivating, harvesting and distilling each plant in order to optimize the available chemical constituents in the resulting essential oil. Plant material is harvested at the optimum time, distilled without solvents or chemicals for a precise amount of time, at a precise amount of pressure (low temps and low pressure) which are set SPECIFICALLY for each and every plant.
- Most essential oil companies distill their plants for the same amount of time, using high temps and high pressure, and will use chemicals during distillation to increase the yield in low yield plants. For instance, most commercially produced Cypress oil is distilled for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Young Living found that in order to get ALL of the chemical constituents out of it you must distill Cypress for 24 hours- as 18 of the constituents are only released during the last 20 minutes of that time period.
- Plants are distilled in small batches, for extended lengths of time.
- Young Living essential oils only touch stainless steel or glass during the distillation process.
- Young Living uses specially designed and built cone-shaped, vertical distillers designed by our founder, Gary Young. The only ones in North America.
- Young Living farms on land that has not been polluted with herbicides, pesticides, and chemicals for at least 50 years. USDA Certified Organic standards only require 3 years.
- When looking for and choosing sites for our farms Gary Young made a point of finding virgin land, untouched by man’s chemicals, far from highways, factories and such, using mountain/local sources of streams as opposed to city water & are even fed/mulched with leftover plant material from the distillation process.
- Every Young Living farm has an organic composting yard. Plant matter from the distillation go in, no waste! 5 million tons of compost used annually on YL fields!
- We inject microbes & enzymes into soil, also liquid from worm castings for fertilizer.
- Seed Sourcing- not from hybrids. No GMO seeds. Seeds are hand picked from only the healthiest looking plants each year.
- Young Living fields are not touched with anything chemical. Much more expensive but the only real way to have organic essential oils!
- Oils that don’t meet our quality standards are rejected and returned to the supplier.
- Aromatic plants need a ph balance of 7-7.8! Who knew?! Gary Young did!
- Young Living was founded by Gary Young who is well known as an essential oil expert with a trained nose who can analyze oils by their smell. (There are less than 200 people in the world with noses sufficiently trained to discern the chemistry of a fragrance.) Gary invested 33 years in the research and development of essential oils.
- Some of our SEED TO SEAL® premium-grade essential oils have been UNIVERSITY TESTED in scientific studies!
- Gary Young has published 17 research papers and 9 books on the application and benefits of essential oils and herbs!
- Gary was told by French essential oil experts that YL has the finest Lavender in the world!
- Young Living field workers are not allowed to go in the field if they are angry or use foul language.
- No chemical weed killers are ever used.
A Peak at a few Young Living Farms
By cultivating, harvesting, and distilling many of our essential oils on our very own farms, we have the unique ability to verify perfection at every step of our process. Combine this with our state-of-the-art testing facilities, extensive laboratory testing and independent audits, and it’s no wonder that we routinely exceed our own industry-leading quality standards. However, our commitment to quality doesn’t stop there. Inspired by the fields, forests, and jungles that surround our pristine farms, Gary Young is constantly discovering new botanicals and essential oils, helping us bring more of nature’s greatest gifts to people everywhere. Everyone is invited to come to our farms and participate in our whole Seed-to-Seal process.
Whispering Springs Farm, Mona, Utah, U.S. – The farm is home to the largest privately owned essential oil distillery in the world and features nearly 1,600 acres of fragrant herbs and is open to visitors year round. Lavender, german chamomile, hyssop, clary sage, goldenrod, peppermint, juniper, spearmint 1989 and others are grown and distilled here.
St. Maries Farm Idaho, U.S. – Healthy living soil and a pristine natural setting surrounded by evergreen forest make St. Maries an ideal location for cultivating and harvesting lavender, lavindin, melissa, tansy, balsam fir, tansy, scotch pine, austrian pine, blue spruce, douglas fir, western red cedar, and white fir. Open to distributors for the summer lavender harvest and the winter balsam harvest. Open to the public for distillery tours. Call 208-245-2745.
Previous to Young Living’s 1992 purchase of the land for the St. Maries farm, this area had never been exposed to chemicals, pesticides, and manmade fertilizers. This pristine condition makes the 200 acres of soil perfect for the cultivation of botanicals such as melissa, lavender, and tansy. Our Visitors Center is open to the public for distillery tours. For more information and directions, please call 1-208-245-2745.
Highland Flats Tree Farm Idaho, U.S. – Growing acres of balsam fir, pine, Western red cedar, and other species renowned for their beneficial properties, our Highland Flats farm is nestled in the rural hamlet of Naples, Idaho. Open to distributors for the winter harvest and the spring reforestation project. *Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine, Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, White Fir, Grand Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Balsam Fir

Northern Lights Farm, British Columbia, Canada– In 2014, ground was broke on the next Young Living farm which will help us be able to have ample supply of the highly valued Black spruce, needed for our exclusive and very popular blend called VALOR.
*black spruce, ledum, and yarrow.
Sitno Donje, Šibensko-Kninska, Croatia (April 11th 2015)- Helichrysum and Laurus nobilis, sage
A Peak at our Cooperative (Partnership) Farms
Israel– Guy Erlich, the owner of the Balm of Gilead Farm in Israel, usually starts 4,000-5,000 new cuttings every summer. Commiphora gileadensis (Balm of Gilead) trees and Frankincense trees are rooted during the hot summer months. This Young Living partnership farm is located just a 25 minute-drive down (elevation change from +2300ft to -800ft) Highway 1 from Jerusalem is in a prime location for tourist or Young Living members wanting to visit the farm.
Taiwan– Young Living has 3 exclusive oils from Taiwan: Xiang Mao, Hong Kuai and Jade Lemon
Pingback: Going Through Hard Times
Pingback: Young Living vs Other Brands of Oils
Pingback: Northern Lights Black Spruce is Very Special
Thank you so much your information about YL farms.
I noticed there are not Croatian farm, do you know this? 🙂
All the best to you
Hi Ellu and welcome to my site. We have a farm in Split, Croatia- you can see it listed on the Young Living map. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding our farms.
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