All essential oils are NOT created equal!
The IMPORTANCE of using genuine, AUTHENTIC premium-grade, unadulterated essential oils cannot be stressed enough. Young Living essential oils are NOT your average, cheap, man-made synthetic run of the mill “scents.” They’re the real deal.

Most of the essential oils in the US are not genuine, premium-grade essential oils. The plants the oils are produced from are not grown and harvested under optimal conditions, nor are they distilled in such a way as to protect their many delicate, beneficial chemical constituents. Just because an oil says 100% pure on the label doesn’t mean it is a genuine, premium-grade essential oil! Unfortunately most of the oils on the market today are knock offs of the real thing. They’re over-processed using high pressure and high temps, are chemical-laden, highly adulterated and denatured products. No care or concern is given to ensure the plant material is harvested at just the right time nor is the plant material allowed to remain cut and in the field for a set amount of time to maximize oil content. The process that most manufacturers follow are for the perfume industry, and their resulting oils in reality are considered little more than cheap perfume. I’ve heard that manufacturers are only required to have 5% of the active ingredient, the actual oil, in the bottle to call it an essential oil. Does that sound reasonable to you?
When selecting genuine, premium-grade essential oils, it’s crucial to know how the plant material was grown, cultivated, harvested and the distilling process used. Each plant must be distilled for a precise amount of time, at a precise amount of pressure (low temps and low pressure) set specifically for that plant in order to preserve the delicate properties of each essential oil.
The first distillation when done properly means the resulting essential oil will contain all of these delicate, beneficial properties. Most of the oils sold in the U.S. by other distillers are NOT first distillation. Most produce second though 6th distillations which are much lower in price because the distillers distill multiple times at high temperature and high pressure which destroys most of the beneficial chemical compounds. You get what you pay for! If you want consistent, reliable results then you should purchase pure, AUTHENTIC premium-grade essential oils made from plants that were grown on pristine land without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides, harvested at optimum time, properly distilled, in the proper manner and at just the right time.
An excerpt from Holistic Aromatherapy, A. Berwick, 1994, Llewellyn Pub., St. Paul, MN pp. 168.
“Many of the oils on the market are of poor quality.”
“LOW PRICES MAY ALSO MEAN THE OIL IS A SECOND OR THIRD DISTILLATION OF THE PLANT MATERIAL, in which case it will have far less therapeutic value. Sometimes oils are diluted with another plant that has a similar aroma, but costs less…”
As you can see, it is a very complicated, expensive process and is truly as much an art as it is a science. Most essential oil manufacturers are not willing to spend the time and effort it takes to produce high quality essential oils. Young Living is proud to set the standard for AUTHENTIC premium-grade essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of our oils through our unique Seed to Seal® process. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, we apply the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended. We’re they only essential oil company in the world that invites anyone to come visit our farms and see the whole Seed to Seal® process first hand. How’s THAT for transparency!
A Glance At What Makes Young Living So Special
There are a lot of “extras” that Young Living does that makes YL oils much more POTENT. Many of the companies out there selling essential oils don’t have their own farms and don’t control the whole process from SEED to SEAL. They rely on the honesty of the people they are buying oils from and are not directly involved in the growing process.
• Contain only a small fraction of essential oil. Legally companies are only required to include 5% oil to be called an essential oil; the other 95% of product often is UNKNOWN
• Quality and source of oil used is unknown, therefore the grade is UNKNOWN
• The companies selling the oils play no part in the growth or distillation process
• Label indicates EXTERNAL USE ONLY; or DO NOT INGEST (these statements are an indicator of adulteration)
• Guaranteed to be genuine, authentic PREMIUM-GRADE oils (NOT diluted with chemicals or additives)
• Soil quality guaranteed for up to 50 years prior
• Many oils able to be used INTERNALLY and are labeled as a “SUPPLEMENT” showing Serving Size, %DV & Servings per container
• The plant material Young Living uses to produce their essential oils are grown, harvested, processed & distilled at the proper times and conditions to MAXIMIZE the chemical compounds or components of the plant material for each oil they produce. Young Living practices quality control from “Seed to Seal”- growth, cultivation, distillation & inspection.
Here are a few facts about Young Living:
- Gary informed 2014 convention-goers that Young Living is the world’s largest grower, distiller and producer of Melissa
- Gary has invested 33 years in the research and development of essential oils
- Gary was been told by French essential oil experts that YL has the finest Lavender in the world!!
- During the 2013 Young Living Grand International Convention, reportedly (I was not there for that convention) there was a slide showing a document from the FDA saying that Gary Young is the foremost expert on essential oils and distillation in the WORLD!!!!!!!
- Young Living has the world’s largest herb farms for the production of authentic essential oils. Having farms and distilleries around the globe and also association with many partners in wildcrafting and distilling worldwide makes Young Living unique in the world of essential oils. We’re constantly adding more and more farms as we expand into the global market.
- The world’s largest Lavender farm is in France and belongs to YL (1000 acres).
- Young Living has the largest acreage producing Lavender in the whole world.
- Young Living is the #1 producer of Ylang Ylang in the world.
- No chemicals are used on the YL Farms! We use a special spray created by Gary containing oils!
- Organic compost is used on all YL Farms for soil enhancement. Every Young Living farm has a composting yard. Plant matter from the distillation go into the fields, no waste!
- Millions of tons of compost are used annually on YL fields!
- Young Living injects microbes & enzymes into soil, also liquid from worm castings for fertilizer
- Young Living works with 7 other labs around the world to determine the properties and purity of Young Living essential oils.
- Extensive laboratory testing and independent audits are conducted to ensure Young Living’s quality exceeds industry standards. Those with even the slightest hint of possible impurity are rejected.
- Oils that exhibit even the slightest hint of possible tampering or adulteration- even if provided from a trusted supplier are sent to outside laboratories for even more in-depth dissection using techniques such as carbon isotope analysis.
- Marcel Espieu, the former president of the Lavender Grower’s Association in France for 20 years, at first laughed at “this American” who thought he could duplicate what generations of French lavender growers had in their blood. Marcel paid Gary the greatest compliment of his career when he spoke at the Young Living Convention in 2002 and said to the thousands of people attending, “The student has now become the teacher, and the teacher is now the student.”
NOTE: Many of Young Living’s essential oils are Kosher-Certified, meaning that the product is fit to use in any application in a manner that conforms to the kosher laws rooted in Biblical and Rabbinic traditions. These products and the facilities that produce them have been inspected and found to meet strict kosher requirements.
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