Do you set goals every new year but struggle with following through on them?
Are you addicted to negative thinking and have low self-esteem issues?
Use this daily exercise to help accomplish your goals and release negative thinking. It can help you get to the root of the problem!
If you’re ready to let go of the negative thinking or want in actually accomplish those New Year’s goals then try this simple essential oil exercise.
You may be thinking… “How can essential oils help with goal setting or releasing negative thinking?” Here’s how!
Aromas have a profound impact in your mind. The sense of smell is the only one of your senses that has a direct connection to the limbic lobe, or emotional control center, of your brain. The limbic lobe is made of structures that play a major role in controlling mood, memory, behavior, and emotion; it is connected to the olfactory bulb in the nose. When a scent arrives to the limbic system, your body responds by releasing unique chemicals into your brain, causing different reactions depending on the aromas detected. Knowing this helps us to understand why smell plays such an important role in memory, thought processes, mood, perception, emotions, and overall cognition.
The sense of smell is closely linked with memory. A fragrance can make us recall long-forgotten experiences and memories before we are consciously aware of it. You may even be able to think of smells that trigger particular memories, such as homemade bread or fresh-cut grass.
Try practicing this daily exercise and repeat several times throughout your day, spending anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes at a time.
Begin your day by diffusing or inhaling your chosen essential oil while in a “private space”. This should be a place where you won’t be interrupted or distracted. An office or room, a closet, or even your car, if need be.
There are various ways to inhale your chosen essential oil. You can…
– Diffuse using a diffuser!
– Inhale directly from the bottle
– Place one drop in the palms of the hands, rub together, then cup over the nose and mouth and gently inhale
– Use a nasal inhaler after placing a few drops inside. Especially helpful when at work or around others making it easy to simply slip away to a private room, bathroom or closet.
Oftentimes we let difficult situations or people get the best of us and then get stuck on stupid. If you are addicted to NEGATIVE THINKING and have low self-esteem issues try using PALO SANTO several times a day. Others have found it very helpful. While inhaling, begin to remember and meditate on and visualize times of success in your life. I want you to remember what it “felt like” to be successful and how it made you “feel”.
When setting a goal, instead of setting a goal stating “I want to get in better shape,” try being specific, and frame your goal as “I exercise after work, five days a week, for the next three months.”
Throughout the day, while inhaling the essential oil, let’s say IGNITE YOUR JOURNEY, visualize yourself working out, and also what your body will look and feel like when you reach your goal. Try remembering and visualizing a time in the past when you were in shape, what you looked like, and how it made you “feel”.
When it comes to setting goals, these are some of my favorites:
– Ignite Your Journey™
Created by D. Gary Young in 1992, this blend contains eight essential oils chosen for their invigorating aromas. Let the scents of Juniper, Peppermint, Frankincense, Ginger, and other Young Living® oils wake up your senses while you go for your goals. There’s no telling what you’ll achieve when you set your mind to it with Ignite Your Journey blend as your sidekick.
– Envision
Envision is a blend of six essential oils with an aroma that may inspire you to release the fear of moving forward. When smelling this aroma, you may feel a shift, allowing you to embrace a new future vision. Awaken your dreams and goals by allowing your mind to rest while opening up your creative centering. Allow your intuition to come through and be heard.
– Magnify Your Purpose
Magnify Your Purpose is a spiritual blend of 10 essential oils: Sacred Sandalwood, Sage, Coriander, Patchouli, Nutmeg, Bergamot, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Ylang Ylang, and Geranium. It has an aroma that fosters a positive attitude, enabling you to rise above adversity. Use it when you are coming into your creativity and making big, personal changes or transitioning into spiritual work. Magnify your commitment to your purpose and manifest your intentions with this oil blend as your tool.
– Into the Future
“If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much room.” —Young Living Founder D. Gary Young
Into the Future essential oil blend has an aroma that may help you leave the past behind in order to progress with vision and excitement.
So many times, we find ourselves settling for mediocracy and sacrificing our own potential and success because of fear of the unknown and the future. This blend of sweet almond oil, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, White Fir, Idaho Blue Spruce, Jasmine, Juniper, Frankincense, Orange, Cedarwood, and White Lotus inspires determination and a pioneering spirit and creates a strong emotional feeling of being able to reach your potential. This blend can help you through transitions in life.
Living on the edge with tenacity and integrity brings the excitement of the challenge and the joy of success.
– Motivation
Formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, Motivation was created to give a boost of energy with its powerful aroma and to enhance the ability to move forward in a positive direction.
– Clarity
Clarity essential oil blend combines Basil, Cardamom, Rosemary, Peppermint, Coriander, Geranium, Bergamot, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, and Palmarosa and helps generate a focused environment to help clear the mind of unnecessary distractions and encourage concentration.
The goal of this daily exercise is to teach you to connect with your “feelings” while inhaling the scent. Over time you should begin to notice a difference. Young Living Essential Oils have been found to be very beneficial in balancing emotions, relieving everyday stress and helping one focus on the positive.
Remember… Your sense of smell is directly connected to the limbic lobe of your brain, which is the emotional control center. It is responsible for your mood, memory, behavior, feelings, and emotions. Essential oils can be a powerful tool when used effectively.