8 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks with THIEVES™ -
If you’re anything like me, I bet there are many other things that you’d rather do than clean your bathroom, right? I mean, who in their right mind enjoys cleaning up all the stinky dirt, grime, hair, and I’m sorry I have to mention it because I know we’re all thinking it, worst of all, the urine left around the toilet bowl? Disgusting, right? Oh, and I definitely don’t want to forget to mention, feeling like you have to wear a gas mask to deal with all the noxious smelling, toxic chemicals contained in most household cleaners. Have you ever held your breath while cleaning your bathroom until you were out of the bathroom in order to avoid breathing in any more toxic fumes than absolutely necessary? I have, but not anymore! Thankfully, with Thieves Household cleaner and essential oils, you can replace all your harsh chemical cleaners with this … Continue reading →