Thieves® Household Cleaner: A Healthier Choice -
Did you know that many common cleaners on the market today contain harsh chemicals that are HARMFUL to your health? A quick look at the label and reading the warning label will confirm what I’m saying here. These chemicals many times are EDC’s (endocrine disrupting chemicals) which have been shown to affect our hormones, thyroid regulation, reproductive systems, and many other essential functions of our bodies. And yet, companies knowingly add these chemicals to their products, and we as consumers buy them and use them around our home and children. WHEN IS IT TIME TO CHANGE? … NOW! Toss all your TOXIC chemical-laden cleaners and come on over to the healthy CLEAN and GREEN side! DROP OF INSPIRATION Podcast Ep27: Your Healthy Home and Thieves® Cleaner Your home is your refuge, and we know how hard you work to make sure it is a welcoming, safe place. On this … Continue reading →