POO-ROMATHERAPY Spray... Air Freshener & Cleanser Rolled Into One -
I got quite the laugh this morning while reading the most recent issue of The Raindrop Messenger, the official newsletter of The Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, Inc. (CARE). It contains an article entitled “APPLIED POO-ROMATHERAPY FOR HOME & OFFICE” that gives a recipe for making POO-ROMATHERAPY Spray! The spray serves as an air freshener and cleanser rolled into one… a great combination wouldn’t you say!!! Gotta LOVE our oils, right? Since I already carry a bottle of our Thieves Spray in my purse and always use it to spray shopping cart handles when I go shopping I’m halfway there. I’m considering trying to make it with Purification as well, which is known for eliminating (not covering up) odors and have found it works great on STINKY feet and SNEAKERS!! Whew!!!! All I’ll need to do is decide which oil to add and then give it a spritz here … Continue reading →