Making Healthy Choices- DIY Electric Dishwasher Detergent -
Yesterday I was inspired by my friend Leah, a fellow oiler and Heaven Scent Team Member, and after hearing of her success with her homemade DIY electric dishwasher powder I decided it was finally time for me make the switch from store bought dishwasher detergent to my own homemade version. I knew that I was almost out of Cascade so the timing was perfect. She informed me that she makes her own dishwasher detergent and said regarding Cascade… “I can’t tolerate it at all! When I went to use it at my mom’s it made me seriously nauseous. I stopped using it a couple of years ago and was using the melaleuca dishwasher liquid but it is very pricey!!” I told her that one would think that any residue would be rinsed away during the rinse cycle. She replied… “Nooooo…. the heat drying usually bakes it into the dish. Put … Continue reading →