Einkorn Wheat- The Original STAFF OF LIFE! -
Einkorn wheat is an ancient grain and is the original and oldest variety of wheat and considered the “staff of life” grain. Check out D. Gary Young’s illuminating new book as it compares the ancient einkorn grain, which was considered the staff of life because of its vast benefits, to today’s hybridized grains which includes wheat, to which many health problems are attributed. This is a must read for everyone. Most wheat grown today is a man-made hybrid and man’s way of combining two kinds of seed species to engineer a bigger and “better” version… changing what God created into a man-made version. Hybridization happens naturally in nature but that is NOT what we’re talking about here. Modern wheat was engineered to have shorter stalks (less waste) and fuller heads (produces more product), thus increased profits. As I always say, follow the money trail! Modern day wheat has been engineered … Continue reading →